Universe Miraculous

by - 8:10 PM

For the photo challenge we were asked if we had any regrets and for the assignment for Capture Your Grief we were asked to find the beauty, the miraculous in the world around us.  I mostly regret that we didn't go ahead and call "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" to take pictures.  We emailed and they were on standby.  But when she arrived, I didn't think that they could get any good pictures of her.  I wish I had tried though.  I wish we had more than one photo that I could share.  Sometimes, I wish I had let the kids see her.  They ask so many questions, Ruth and Britt were mad at me last weekend, when they couldn't tell anyone at the event anything about Abigail, because they hadn't seen her.  I thought that it was good for us to spare them seeing her like that but now, I'm not sure.  I know I'd been livid if someone had tried to keep her from me.  I mostly regret that the doctors didn't notice the test results and she hadn't died in the first place.

But it's easy to see the miraculous these days.  I nurse her and I hold her. I feel her soft, soft skin.  I see her big round eyes and I look at her amazing smile.  Then we sit on the porch and watch the sunset.  We admire the half moon by the trees.  And I marvel all over again that the God that created this entire world, who knits us together in our mothers' wombs, loves us.  There is plenty of wonderful and miraculous things to see in this world, if we only slow down long enough to look around and see it.

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