A Space Reimagined

by - 10:43 AM

Today we were asked about creating a special place in memory of our child.  And asked to include a photo of a special place we like to visit.  I have a shelf of Abigail's things.  Each place we've lived since we've lost her, I've grouped her things together.  I want her to be part of our family, and this is the only way I can include her.  The special place to go is to her grave.  I love the swing we hung out there, to sit and visit.  I have a love-hate relationship with her grave.  It's a beautiful spot, it's why we chose it.  It's the closest I can get to her, and yet it's a stark reminder of her death.  One day I think I might like to make a little garden spot in the yard, and hang another swing like her's to have her here.

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