Soul Therapy

by - 7:27 PM

Today we were asked to share a pregnancy photo and talk about what is good for our soul, what gives us some calm and joy and healing.  This is the only belly shot I took, the only one that I know she was alive in.  We only have 3 photos of me from those 4 months.  I wish I had more.  One think I have found is good for me is time alone.  I'm a bit of an introvert, and finding time alone can often be a challenge.  Every few weeks, or at least once a month a day without the kids, or a day of Netflicks or a day with just me and a book.  Once a week or so I it helps too to spend some time doing something creative.  I work in my planner or do some coloring.  Anything that gives me a few minutes to be alone, relieve some stress, and give me time to quieten my mind enough to pray.  Or anything that gives me a few minutes to think on something else, to empty my mind of whatever thoughts are bothering me.

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