Family is Forever
Capture Your Grief - Day 27 - Family is Forever
Today, I'm sharing my very favorite family picture. I thought for a long while about how to take these pictures. Every year for Christmas we take a yearly family photo, and I just couldn't do it this past year. Not when I should have been 9 months pregnant instead of having buried a baby 4 months before. Infact, the only family picture we took between the day we found out and these, was on Father's Day. I was snapping a few pictures of Gary with the kids, when Bro. Randy walked up and insisted on me getting in, and him taking one. I suspect he knew I was having trouble with the idea of family pictures. I really love this picture because you can see the three we have, but we also have Abigail's empty swing in the background, for the one we miss. And, even better, we just found out that I was pregnant with our rainbow. I'm so very happy to know that all seven of us are here, even if you can only see five of us. And I guess, me knowing and seeing everyone there, is what matters.
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