One Pretty Exciting Day...
Being the push over for animals that I am, I went down to take a look, and he was very friendly but pretty beat up. Had several bad cuts and a big knot on the base of his neck. His eyes were nearly swollen shut, and he was thin enough that I could feel his ribs. I felt so bad for him, so I fed him a bowl of cat food, and gave him a bowl of water. Several of the neighbors looked at him too, and we decided he probably had gotten loose and belonged to someone on the other side of the nature preserve (jungle) that is behind our apartment. So I called animal services or whatever they are called, and they said someone had reported a brindle Great Dane mix missing yesterday. So they came after him.
While he was here, pregnant Momma Kitty showed up for the first time in a week or two, and of course he promptly chased her off. Gosh, I still can't catch that cat.
Needless to say it was pretty exciting compared to the usual around here.
PS -- We have named the cat. We were trying to go over suggested names last night, and Gary said "Mara, because my wife has dealt bitterly with me!" (in that we have another cat) I like it so, we are going with that. Thanks for all the suggestions!
Needless to say it was pretty exciting compared to the usual around here.
3 random thoughts