...to Grandmother's house we went. We had a really good time in Alabama. Traditionally we have spent Christmas Eve with Mother's side of the family. Grandmother makes loads of goodies, we eat until we are stuffed, make a big family portrait, and then open presents, all the while listening to commentary from Granddaddy on where he picked out each item. It's amazing how he forgets what he got until you open it, but then he always "remembers" some long story about where he went and how much he went through to get that one gift. We had a wonderful time together. Britt especially loved Grandmother's fiber optic snowman, and the carousel that plays Christmas music.
Britt hates anything that make noise, vibrates, and moves. He is terrified of "Big Mouth Billy Bass". He doesn't like the "Vodoo Witch Dr. Dog". He runs away from his vibrating, reving dump truck. He screams when I turn on the vacuum cleaner, kitchen aide mixer, or the hair blow drier. So naturally we decided to get a Santa hat that sings Christmas tunes with reindeer antlers that move. Later on to be sure that he didn't have to go back near it, he hung onto the door frame, anytime Daddy tried to turn the corner. Is it wrong that we enjoy torturing small children this much?
12:36 PM
No random thoughts
Ruth was doing so much better before we left for Alabama. She was eating 4 or 5 times a day, sleeping through the night, and even giving me one regular long nap during the day. Starting about Tuesday of last week she went back to eating every two hours or less for at least 45 minutes, and waking up anywhere from one to three times a night. Let's say I'm tired of feeding that baby. All week I've been debating "Is my milk supply giving out like with Britt? Is she getting enough to eat?" or "Is it just a growth spurt, so that I produce more?" or "Is she getting plenty of milk, but still hungry? Should we start solids a little earlier than we planned?" After a week of waffling and still not having decided anything, I was trying to eat supper on Sunday, and she started fussing, so we told Rachel to offer her some mashed potatoes. At first she didn't want to have anything to do with them, but after Rachel finally got some in her mouth, she couldn't suck that off her finger fast enough. We aren't quiet ready to start regularly giving her solids, but she can have as much in the way of mashed potatoes as she wants over the next month. Tonight we may have discovered why she's wanted to eat so much, she has two bottom teeth coming in.
11:07 PM
No random thoughts
11:05 AM
No random thoughts
This past weekend we had a wonderful time with our Church family in MacClenny. On Friday night, we all gathered down at the Church, where Sis. Sherri had worked wonders turning the place into a magical winter wonderland. Britt wanted to walk around and touch all the deer, trees, and other decorations, and Ruth just looked at all the twinkling lights. We got there a little late, since Gary worked down to the wire getting a final excel project done for one of his classes. But as soon as we arrived, we grabbed us a plate of food (because really Primitive Baptist can't do anything without eating) and found us a chair and got to visiting. There were not only members from MacClenny but a couple of the other sister churches, and we had such a good time. Sis. Sherri loves to decorate and buy gifts for Christmas. She went all out finding a couple of somethings for each of the kids. Britt got a stuffed lion and a book. He carried that lion around all weekend, shouting "ROAR!" every few minutes. He did share the lion with Ruth though when he read his book. This book has been the biggest hit, because as you turn the pages it reads itself to him. He has played with almost nothing but that book all week here at the house. It just made his night to get those gifts.
After everyone left, we stuck around and helped take down decorations and lights and stuff, and visited some more with a few of the other members. Eventually, the kids were beat so we loaded up and headed over to Bro. Lee and Sis. Dina's house where we talked and visited some more before heading to bed. The next morning Sis. Dina made a great big breakfast with orange rolls, bacon, eggs, grits and tomato gravy. She told me to try the tomato gravy on the grits and it was great, best tomato gravy I've ever eaten. Eventually after Gary made sure that she didn't have any leftovers to put up, we got ready to head to town.
MacClenny Church has the tradition of getting together the 2nd Friday in December at the Church for Christmas, and then the next day gathering to go into St. Augustine to see the lights in Old Town. Some of the super industrious sisters left out early to hit the extensive outlet malls over there and do most of their Christmas shopping. Their menfolk and other members meet up with them later in the day for an late dinner/early supper and then go to see the lights. Gary and I headed over about half way through the day to walk around and see St. Augustine, since I've never been. It might have been the most interesting place I've ever been. It's not as pretty as the mountains, but the charm of the place (and of course the history) was fascinating to me. If you ever get the chance you should go.
First we stopped and checked out the light house. We didn't go in, but we did take some pictures outside along the grounds. Apparently it's actually a light station, because they have alot of other buildings, and a separate house for the keeper's family. It's also the 10th tallest in the United States, and is still in use today. After that we drove across the bay and saw alot of ships (including the Pinta) decorated for Christmas. We ended up at Old Town where we didn't get to walk anywhere near the entire area. There were shops with clothes, and shops with jewelery and shops with hats, and shops with lawn decorations, and wineries, and restaurants, and candy shops, and everything you can think of! Most of these are in old style history buildings of Spanish or Greek or Colonial influence, here and there among them there are tons of little museums and historical stops - there was the oldest wooden school house in the US, the oldest Spanish building in Florida, a Greek Orthadox shrine, and tons of others. One of the neatest things, is since they have taken this whole historic district and made it a walking tourist area, from all these old houses, as you walk through them, lots of them have these beautiful garden areas behind them, there were courtyards, and fountains, and wild yards, and manicured gardens. Let's just say it was amazing, and the beauty and magic of the Christmas lights and decorations made it even nicer. I would like to go back sometime. They even have these hotel suites upstairs of many of the shops, so you can stay in Old Town. Gary and I decided we would love to stay at St. George's Inn but we figure that it's super expensive.
We met up with everyone at Cracker Barrel for dinner, and had a good time. Ruth and I sat over by Bro. David and Sis. Sherri and Amber, and boy they are always funny, but they were in fine form Saturday evening. Oh, I hadn't laughed that much in a while. Gary and Britt sat over with some of the other members on another table. There were over 30 of us, and I'm sure Cracker Barrel wasn't entirely thrilled, but they did a great job taking care of everyone.
Afterward we headed back over to Old Town. While it had been a little cool during the day, it got cold next to the water after dark. We had failed to bring a stroller or the front carrier, so Gary and I had taken turns holding Ruth and Britt. Luckily for us Amber had a stroller and since Emma was running and playing with the big kids Britt got to ride in style. Meanwhile, everyone passed Ruth around, if she wasn't spoiled before then she is now. Somehow I had managed to leave her little tobaggan back in MacClenny, so Sis. Sherri fashioned her a turban out of her scarf. Ruth wasn't sure that she liked that at all, but we just laughed and laughed about it.
On our way back from the seeing the lights, we stopped in at Kelwyn's (I think that's how it was spelled) and got the best carmael apple. Sis. Dina had been telling us we had to try one, so we did. Gary loves those things, but I only want them from time to time. This place did a WONDERFUL job. We tried their carmeal fudge apple instead of the normal carmeal apple with nuts. It was end to the evening wonderful evening. We made the trek back to the Whiteheads' house, and spent the night again.
Sunday morning we all got up and Sis. Dina fixed another wonderful breakfast and we got ready for Church. We enjoyed a good service hearing Bro. Jay and Bro. David speak. We truely feel so blessed to have such a wonderful group of people, who have taken us in like we've lived here forever. We had a wonderful time, and look forward to seeing everyone again after the holidays.
After everyone left, we stuck around and helped take down decorations and lights and stuff, and visited some more with a few of the other members. Eventually, the kids were beat so we loaded up and headed over to Bro. Lee and Sis. Dina's house where we talked and visited some more before heading to bed. The next morning Sis. Dina made a great big breakfast with orange rolls, bacon, eggs, grits and tomato gravy. She told me to try the tomato gravy on the grits and it was great, best tomato gravy I've ever eaten. Eventually after Gary made sure that she didn't have any leftovers to put up, we got ready to head to town.
MacClenny Church has the tradition of getting together the 2nd Friday in December at the Church for Christmas, and then the next day gathering to go into St. Augustine to see the lights in Old Town. Some of the super industrious sisters left out early to hit the extensive outlet malls over there and do most of their Christmas shopping. Their menfolk and other members meet up with them later in the day for an late dinner/early supper and then go to see the lights. Gary and I headed over about half way through the day to walk around and see St. Augustine, since I've never been. It might have been the most interesting place I've ever been. It's not as pretty as the mountains, but the charm of the place (and of course the history) was fascinating to me. If you ever get the chance you should go.
First we stopped and checked out the light house. We didn't go in, but we did take some pictures outside along the grounds. Apparently it's actually a light station, because they have alot of other buildings, and a separate house for the keeper's family. It's also the 10th tallest in the United States, and is still in use today. After that we drove across the bay and saw alot of ships (including the Pinta) decorated for Christmas. We ended up at Old Town where we didn't get to walk anywhere near the entire area. There were shops with clothes, and shops with jewelery and shops with hats, and shops with lawn decorations, and wineries, and restaurants, and candy shops, and everything you can think of! Most of these are in old style history buildings of Spanish or Greek or Colonial influence, here and there among them there are tons of little museums and historical stops - there was the oldest wooden school house in the US, the oldest Spanish building in Florida, a Greek Orthadox shrine, and tons of others. One of the neatest things, is since they have taken this whole historic district and made it a walking tourist area, from all these old houses, as you walk through them, lots of them have these beautiful garden areas behind them, there were courtyards, and fountains, and wild yards, and manicured gardens. Let's just say it was amazing, and the beauty and magic of the Christmas lights and decorations made it even nicer. I would like to go back sometime. They even have these hotel suites upstairs of many of the shops, so you can stay in Old Town. Gary and I decided we would love to stay at St. George's Inn but we figure that it's super expensive.
We met up with everyone at Cracker Barrel for dinner, and had a good time. Ruth and I sat over by Bro. David and Sis. Sherri and Amber, and boy they are always funny, but they were in fine form Saturday evening. Oh, I hadn't laughed that much in a while. Gary and Britt sat over with some of the other members on another table. There were over 30 of us, and I'm sure Cracker Barrel wasn't entirely thrilled, but they did a great job taking care of everyone.
Afterward we headed back over to Old Town. While it had been a little cool during the day, it got cold next to the water after dark. We had failed to bring a stroller or the front carrier, so Gary and I had taken turns holding Ruth and Britt. Luckily for us Amber had a stroller and since Emma was running and playing with the big kids Britt got to ride in style. Meanwhile, everyone passed Ruth around, if she wasn't spoiled before then she is now. Somehow I had managed to leave her little tobaggan back in MacClenny, so Sis. Sherri fashioned her a turban out of her scarf. Ruth wasn't sure that she liked that at all, but we just laughed and laughed about it.
On our way back from the seeing the lights, we stopped in at Kelwyn's (I think that's how it was spelled) and got the best carmael apple. Sis. Dina had been telling us we had to try one, so we did. Gary loves those things, but I only want them from time to time. This place did a WONDERFUL job. We tried their carmeal fudge apple instead of the normal carmeal apple with nuts. It was end to the evening wonderful evening. We made the trek back to the Whiteheads' house, and spent the night again.
Sunday morning we all got up and Sis. Dina fixed another wonderful breakfast and we got ready for Church. We enjoyed a good service hearing Bro. Jay and Bro. David speak. We truely feel so blessed to have such a wonderful group of people, who have taken us in like we've lived here forever. We had a wonderful time, and look forward to seeing everyone again after the holidays.
11:38 AM
No random thoughts

You are now four months old, and we have started to settle into more of a routine. Each morning you wake up around 6:30 or 7 for a morning snack, then we cuddle and doze in bed while Daddy gets ready to leave for class. Britt wakes up around 7:30, and right before Daddy leaves he changes Britt's diaper and gets him a cup of milk. Britt then plays in his room for about 30 mins or so before he opens the door and tells us "HEY!" You then sleep on the bed while I get Britt dressed, carry him downstairs, start Jungle Book and provide him a bowl of Cheerios. I usually fix myself a bagel or a bowl of cereal, which Britt helps me eat, and check my email and the like. You usually wake up around 10 and I go upstairs to change your diaper, get you dressed, and then we come downstairs and I feed you. After you eat a long while you generally sleep in the bouncer for a while, often until it's time to carry Britt upstairs for his nap. Sometimes you wake up sooner, and "laugh" and grin at Britt's antics. Generally Britt is corraled to his room between 2 and 4ish. During which time you get to play on your belly while I clean and do things around the house, or we sit in Daddy's recliner all snuggled up. Depending on Daddy's school schedule that day, he might be home at 1 or 2 or 4. About 4 you are ready to eat again, and then Britt gets up. Until 7 or 8 you alternate between cat naps and complaining that no one is paying you enough attention and flirting to be picked up. At 8 Daddy give Britt a bath, if he's getting one that night, while I feed you. Between 9 and 9:30 he heads to bed and you are wide awake, more so than at any other time of day. Generally around 11 or so Daddy gives you a bath, and then I feed you until you fall asleep between 11:30 and midnight.
You are now four months old, and we have started to settle into more of a routine. Each morning you wake up around 6:30 or 7 for a morning snack, then we cuddle and doze in bed while Daddy gets ready to leave for class. Britt wakes up around 7:30, and right before Daddy leaves he changes Britt's diaper and gets him a cup of milk. Britt then plays in his room for about 30 mins or so before he opens the door and tells us "HEY!" You then sleep on the bed while I get Britt dressed, carry him downstairs, start Jungle Book and provide him a bowl of Cheerios. I usually fix myself a bagel or a bowl of cereal, which Britt helps me eat, and check my email and the like. You usually wake up around 10 and I go upstairs to change your diaper, get you dressed, and then we come downstairs and I feed you. After you eat a long while you generally sleep in the bouncer for a while, often until it's time to carry Britt upstairs for his nap. Sometimes you wake up sooner, and "laugh" and grin at Britt's antics. Generally Britt is corraled to his room between 2 and 4ish. During which time you get to play on your belly while I clean and do things around the house, or we sit in Daddy's recliner all snuggled up. Depending on Daddy's school schedule that day, he might be home at 1 or 2 or 4. About 4 you are ready to eat again, and then Britt gets up. Until 7 or 8 you alternate between cat naps and complaining that no one is paying you enough attention and flirting to be picked up. At 8 Daddy give Britt a bath, if he's getting one that night, while I feed you. Between 9 and 9:30 he heads to bed and you are wide awake, more so than at any other time of day. Generally around 11 or so Daddy gives you a bath, and then I feed you until you fall asleep between 11:30 and midnight.
Most nights you stay asleep all night, and more and more we are able to get you to sleep in the cradle. Some nights you still wake up to eat, and sometimes you have to be put in the swing to get you to sleep, but you are doing much better. After we get back home from Christmas in Alabama and New Year's in Plant City, we are going to try to move you to the crib. You have been in our room MORE than long enough, and you have figured out how to rock the cradle by yourself. Infact, the other night you moved around in it until you were sideways and had your feet propped up on the side. If I didn't know better I would have thought you were trying to get out.
Oh, and we can forget any assumptions I ever might have had about you being the more serious child. While you didn't smile as early as Britt, and I had to work so much harder for those smiles, that isn't remotely indicitive of your personality now. You are such a flirt. Daddy thinks that you are more of a flirt than your brother was now. He can just look at you and you are already grinning.
You have completely given up your pacifier as well. I'm going to pack them for the trip to Alabama just incase you change your mind in the car, but your right thumb is your constant companion. Daddy doesn't like it much, but I think it's right cute, and one of these days you'll give it up. Ahna pointed out last time she was down, that you are a third generation thumb sucker. Momma quit sucking her thumb when some little boy made fun of her in kindergarden, so I'm not too worried about it. It's not stopping you from talking at all. You have upgraded from basic cooing to consenant sounds, I heard a distinct "da-da" a week or two ago, so I guess I better start working on "ma-ma." You seem to be talking more way sooner than Britt did. I don't know if it's true or if time with you seems to pass much faster than it did with Britt.
You each have your own strengths and weaknesses. Britt would stand for the longest time in your lap at this age, but you put no weight on your legs. You can sit for nearly a minute without support now, but Britt didn't start that till just after 5 months. It's continually amazing to me how unique each of you are, even at this early age. You are growing in leaps and bounds, and continue to be delightful child.
10:02 PM
No random thoughts
8:45 AM
random thoughts
Last Saturday while we were in Plant City, we decided to head over to Christmas Lane. Gary and I have been every year since we got married, but even though Mr. Lane Wetherington has been doing it since 1985, Mom and Dad had never been. So, they decided to gather up all the grand youngins and head over there with us. Gary and I usually wait till closer till Christmas to go, and we usually wait until about 9 at night. However, this time we went around 6:30 (because it was half time in the Auburn - S. Carolina game). I told Gary we had learned our lesson it was crazy there, to try to keep up with three toddlers, it was so busy.
We had a great time. It was so fun to watch the kids dart from one side to the other pointing out all of the raindeer, trains, bears, presents, snow, stars, you get the idea. Britt was super funny about the tree this year. They have a 35 ft tree that they put up each year, and Britt stood at the bottom of it, pointed to the top and kept asking to touch the "lar" on top. I just laughed and tried to tell him Momma couldn't reach it either.
The biggest hit of the entire night was when Mister and Memaw got them all a bag of cotton candy and a cup of popcorn to share. Britt refused to eat the cotton candy and he ate WAY more than his share of popcorn to make up for it. It all worked out though, since Brystal only wanted cotton candy.
We had a great time. It was so fun to watch the kids dart from one side to the other pointing out all of the raindeer, trains, bears, presents, snow, stars, you get the idea. Britt was super funny about the tree this year. They have a 35 ft tree that they put up each year, and Britt stood at the bottom of it, pointed to the top and kept asking to touch the "lar" on top. I just laughed and tried to tell him Momma couldn't reach it either.
The biggest hit of the entire night was when Mister and Memaw got them all a bag of cotton candy and a cup of popcorn to share. Britt refused to eat the cotton candy and he ate WAY more than his share of popcorn to make up for it. It all worked out though, since Brystal only wanted cotton candy.
9:34 AM
No random thoughts
10:18 AM
1 random thoughts
Lately we have been going on lots of long road trips - Memaw and Mister's, Church, and next weekend we will be going to Ahna and Grumps. When I'm in my car I like to sing songs. I tell Momma what song I want to hear and either she sings it, or Daddy does, or sometimes they both do together. I sing along with the words that I know. We sing lots of nursery rhymes like "Kin-cul, Kin-cul" (Twinkle, Twinkle), "Pie-dor" (The Itsy Bitsy Spider), and "Row Row" (Row, Row, Row Your Boat). Sometimes we sing real songs like "Pooh" (Return to Pooh Corner), other times when I ask for Pooh, Momma cheats and just sings the song from the Disney Cartoon. I always make sure to let her know that I didn't mean that Pooh. My very new favorite though is to sing "Moo Moo" (Old MacDonald Had a Farm). In fact, I plan to make Momma and Daddy sing "Moo Moo" all the way to Alabama and back. I like it that well.
9:26 AM
random thoughts
Britt has a rocking horse that Granddaddy made for me my first Christmas. He needed a new tail, since somewhere along the five grandchildren he had lost his tail (a little like Eeyore, though I'm not sure I've ever hear the rocking horse complain like him). I was on the thing before a year, though me walking at 9 months might have made a difference in that. Britt has played with it some, but has needed help getting on and off it, and doesn't want to stay on it long. Part of that too might be that until recently he was riding wildly and walloped his chin on the poor horse's head several times. In the last two weeks, he has figured out how to get on and off by himself, and rides more gently now than before. Some days I wonder if he is going to rear and flip off the poor horse, but other days he takes calm rides while drinking his milk.
10:01 AM
random thoughts
Last Sunday we celebrated Sara's 22nd birthday with a Pirate Party. Most everyone dressed up, and while I thought about it, with everything going on for Granna's funeral, I just didn't have any time to put any further thought into and pack up more stuff, so Gary and I crashed the party without costumes. Pirates of the Caribbean is a great movie, and that's why Sara got the idea. Isaac makes one stellar Captain Jack Sparrow. We knew that he does a great impersonation. What we didn't know is how erry the resemblance is after the girls did his eyeliner and he donned a costume.
When we arrived they had already broken into the pizza and chips, and had the movie running on the tv. So we grabbed a plate and visited. After food it was time for cake, so we sung happy birthday and Sara blew out her candle and we all dove into it. They thought of everything from the movie, there was plenty of drift wood, treasure, jars of dirt, and even rum! Ok, not really it was root beer, but that didn't stop us from quoting great lines from the movies like "What happened to all the rum?" and "Aye the Rum."
After that they all played music chairs while I held Britt and watched and took pictures and video. Oh were they funny. And of course, my husband was the worst of the lot. Faking people out so that everyone was scrambling for a chair before Kelly had ever stopped the music. Able running around the chairs as fast as he could, Kelsey diving between chairs for a seat, and the general mayhem and laughter. Britt crouched for a while in the floor next to me just watching them, and then when they all sat down, he would jump up and screach with laughter. He thought they looked funny, and I had to agree with him. Later he thought Kelly needed to hold him while she ran the music, and everytime they stopped, he felt the need to point out to her where "Dada" was.
After that they turned on some music and line danced. I would have loved to have gotten out there then, but Ruth decided that she needed to eat supper. We visited a little more after that, but had to hit the road on the way back to Gainesville as they pulled out the games. We had a really good time. It was nice to hang out with some of our friends, since we don't get together as often now that we are in Gainesville.
When we arrived they had already broken into the pizza and chips, and had the movie running on the tv. So we grabbed a plate and visited. After food it was time for cake, so we sung happy birthday and Sara blew out her candle and we all dove into it. They thought of everything from the movie, there was plenty of drift wood, treasure, jars of dirt, and even rum! Ok, not really it was root beer, but that didn't stop us from quoting great lines from the movies like "What happened to all the rum?" and "Aye the Rum."
After that they all played music chairs while I held Britt and watched and took pictures and video. Oh were they funny. And of course, my husband was the worst of the lot. Faking people out so that everyone was scrambling for a chair before Kelly had ever stopped the music. Able running around the chairs as fast as he could, Kelsey diving between chairs for a seat, and the general mayhem and laughter. Britt crouched for a while in the floor next to me just watching them, and then when they all sat down, he would jump up and screach with laughter. He thought they looked funny, and I had to agree with him. Later he thought Kelly needed to hold him while she ran the music, and everytime they stopped, he felt the need to point out to her where "Dada" was.
After that they turned on some music and line danced. I would have loved to have gotten out there then, but Ruth decided that she needed to eat supper. We visited a little more after that, but had to hit the road on the way back to Gainesville as they pulled out the games. We had a really good time. It was nice to hang out with some of our friends, since we don't get together as often now that we are in Gainesville.
6:56 PM
random thoughts
I'll give you the sad news first, Bonita Varnum passed away about 2 weeks ago. Gary would especially like to ask that you keep his Grandfather in your prayers at this time, as he lost his wife of 51 years.
Now on to the great news. Bro. Randy and Sis. Paula have brought home little Jonathan Foster Miller. I'm hoping that we might get to see the little feller this weekend at Church. It would be so wonderful to hold a little tiny boy again.
Hope everyone stays safe this holiday season as we are all traveling for Christmas and New Years and all the gatherings between now and then!
Now on to the great news. Bro. Randy and Sis. Paula have brought home little Jonathan Foster Miller. I'm hoping that we might get to see the little feller this weekend at Church. It would be so wonderful to hold a little tiny boy again.
Hope everyone stays safe this holiday season as we are all traveling for Christmas and New Years and all the gatherings between now and then!
2:01 PM
1 random thoughts
Little Miss has been rolling right along. That's what I affectionately call Ruth... "Little Miss" I called (and still do) sometimes call Britt "Little Man" so I guess I have a think for little even though she's not so little. Seriously, you know the Geco commerical where the little gecko has a cell phone, and his partner is wondering where he keeps it, and after he turns away for a split second and looks back to see the gecko with a wallet bigger than he is. Well I think in a similar fashion, somewhere on her person, Ruth is carrying a purse that is heavier than a ton of bricks. She's getting so big, but I digress.
She has been rolling over for right at 4 weeks now from back to stomach, and has almost managed stomache to back a couple of times now. I have finally been able to catch her at it on camera. She's not near as serious as she was either, infact she flirts and flirts to be picked up and then just sits and grins, ever so pleased with herself. She has spent quite a bit of time laying on her back watching the lights on the Christmas tree this week, so I guess she likes it.
She has been rolling over for right at 4 weeks now from back to stomach, and has almost managed stomache to back a couple of times now. I have finally been able to catch her at it on camera. She's not near as serious as she was either, infact she flirts and flirts to be picked up and then just sits and grins, ever so pleased with herself. She has spent quite a bit of time laying on her back watching the lights on the Christmas tree this week, so I guess she likes it.
1:59 PM
No random thoughts
Britt is getting more and more independent these days. He wants to put his shoes on by himself even though he hasn't figured out that you have to open the Velcro to be able to fit his foot in. He wants to use a fork, and gets upset when you stab his meat for him. He doesn't like for you to give him something on your spoon, but he wants you to sit it in front of him, and let him pick it up. Most of all he is getting to the point that he wants to use a spoon for himself. I HATE the mess so I don't let him work at it very often, but for lunch he gets a cup or two of yogurt and I let him eat it himself.
Along with this new found independence he is starting to be more vocal. He knows saying "peas" almost always gets him what he wants, he is starting to say "danku" more and more though he is using it like "Your Welcome" not "Thank you." It's still terribly difficult to understand most of what he is trying to say, but it's obvious that he understands most of what we say.
Meltdowns are more frequent these days, I suppose it has alot to do with the fact that he wants to do so much that he can't yet, and isn't able to explain to me what he needs when he says "holp." When he's in a good mood though, this age has been the most fun by far. When he's trying to do so much and succeeds, or when he is able to say something that gives me a glimpse into what he's thinking, or he grins that silly, mischievous grin; then it's truly a good day.
Along with this new found independence he is starting to be more vocal. He knows saying "peas" almost always gets him what he wants, he is starting to say "danku" more and more though he is using it like "Your Welcome" not "Thank you." It's still terribly difficult to understand most of what he is trying to say, but it's obvious that he understands most of what we say.
Meltdowns are more frequent these days, I suppose it has alot to do with the fact that he wants to do so much that he can't yet, and isn't able to explain to me what he needs when he says "holp." When he's in a good mood though, this age has been the most fun by far. When he's trying to do so much and succeeds, or when he is able to say something that gives me a glimpse into what he's thinking, or he grins that silly, mischievous grin; then it's truly a good day.
8:58 AM
1 random thoughts
10:15 AM
No random thoughts
This year we went down to Plant City again, to spend Thanksgiving with Gary's family. It was a bitter-sweet week. We arrived about 6:30 on Tuesday night and met up with the family at the funeral home. Then Granna's funeral was on Wednesday. It was wonderful to see all the family, some of whom we don't see very often, but it was a sad reason to get together.
On Thanksgiving we all got together with the Cunningham side of the family to eat and visit at Poppa J and Grandmaw Bea's house. All but four of the great-grandkids were there, so after we ate we corralled them long enough to take some pictures. That was pretty entertaining. The rest of the day, we sat around and talked and visited.
Friday, I watched the most stressful game I've seen in a while. Dad fixed up some pigs in a blanket and some BBQ ones too. Mom held Ruth, because I was way too tense, and Gary claims he has the scares on his arm to prove it. Thankfully, Auburn came back to win it, and moves on to the SEC championship game in Atlanta against South Carolina with a 12 - 0 record. Saturday, Gary watched his game, and lets just say that it wasn't pretty at all. It was so painful that he and Dad took the kids outside to run around and play.
Saturday night, Gary and I had a date night. He took me to the Red Rose, and I even got to dance for half a song. (He's moving on up.) We had a good time getting dressed up and going out with out the kids. Even if it was a short trek out of the house, since I managed to leave the pump in Gainesville and had to be back in time to feed Ruth again. We had a great weekend with the family.
On Thanksgiving we all got together with the Cunningham side of the family to eat and visit at Poppa J and Grandmaw Bea's house. All but four of the great-grandkids were there, so after we ate we corralled them long enough to take some pictures. That was pretty entertaining. The rest of the day, we sat around and talked and visited.
Friday, I watched the most stressful game I've seen in a while. Dad fixed up some pigs in a blanket and some BBQ ones too. Mom held Ruth, because I was way too tense, and Gary claims he has the scares on his arm to prove it. Thankfully, Auburn came back to win it, and moves on to the SEC championship game in Atlanta against South Carolina with a 12 - 0 record. Saturday, Gary watched his game, and lets just say that it wasn't pretty at all. It was so painful that he and Dad took the kids outside to run around and play.
Saturday night, Gary and I had a date night. He took me to the Red Rose, and I even got to dance for half a song. (He's moving on up.) We had a good time getting dressed up and going out with out the kids. Even if it was a short trek out of the house, since I managed to leave the pump in Gainesville and had to be back in time to feed Ruth again. We had a great weekend with the family.
7:50 PM
No random thoughts
Since we weren't coming up again until Christmas, and since Mother had some time off from school, and Daddy needed to use some of his vacation, Mother and Daddy came down to visit us the weekend before Thanksgiving. They went through Auburn and watched a basketball game with Benji, and then brought him with them.
Britt was very excited to see everyone. He went back to patting and grinning at Grumps. He would say Ahna but run, giggling every time she tried to pick him up. The real hit of the weekend was Uncle Benji though. Grumps says he's not going to bring him next time because Benjamin infringes on his time with Britt. Mother brought Britt a new book, "Tacky's Christmas" about a Tacky Penguin. Britt loves "Key-quens" so that book was a big hit, he asks for "Tack Tack" now we he wants it read, and he made Benjamin read it about a gazillion times each day. Benjamin started hiding it around the living room.
On Sunday, we went to MacClenny to Church and on the way back stopped in Lake Butler to eat lunch. The restaurant was right on the lake and there was a playground next to the lake, so after we ate we walked around and Britt played on playground. Play being a relative term, since he didn't play on the playground equipment so much as dig in the sand and laugh incessantly. After that we headed home to watch Jungle Book. Other highlights from the weekend included Britt bouncing blocks off of Uncle Benji's head. We had a really good visit and look forward to seeing them again in a few more weeks.
Britt was very excited to see everyone. He went back to patting and grinning at Grumps. He would say Ahna but run, giggling every time she tried to pick him up. The real hit of the weekend was Uncle Benji though. Grumps says he's not going to bring him next time because Benjamin infringes on his time with Britt. Mother brought Britt a new book, "Tacky's Christmas" about a Tacky Penguin. Britt loves "Key-quens" so that book was a big hit, he asks for "Tack Tack" now we he wants it read, and he made Benjamin read it about a gazillion times each day. Benjamin started hiding it around the living room.
On Sunday, we went to MacClenny to Church and on the way back stopped in Lake Butler to eat lunch. The restaurant was right on the lake and there was a playground next to the lake, so after we ate we walked around and Britt played on playground. Play being a relative term, since he didn't play on the playground equipment so much as dig in the sand and laugh incessantly. After that we headed home to watch Jungle Book. Other highlights from the weekend included Britt bouncing blocks off of Uncle Benji's head. We had a really good visit and look forward to seeing them again in a few more weeks.
10:51 AM
No random thoughts
6:00 PM
No random thoughts
Marquita Bonita Varnum passed away Sunday, November 21, 2010 around 8:30 am. It was the end of 20 plus year fight with cancer. While we will all miss her terribly, we know she is no longer in pain, that she is now with our Saviour, and that one day we will see her again.
7:17 PM
No random thoughts
I'm adding Brother Charlie Miller to the prayer request list. He is a brother at MacClenny Church near the end of a 12 year battle with cancer. He has returned home and has a peace about him. His wife, Sis. Janice, and his family would appreciate your prayers.
Granna was carried back to the hospital today, because she was very lethargic. When they got her there they drained fluid off of her heart (the first signs of congestive heart failure). They said that it was due to the fact that she has pneumonia. They are hoping to be able to treat her and keep a close eye on her and get the pneumonia cleared up in the next few days.
*Update 11/18, Granna is in ICU because they can't get her O2 Stats up.*
Bro. Allen Cook passed away Monday evening. Please keep his dear wife Sis. Lona and their family at this time.
Finally as a bit of good news, Sis. Amanda Mizel's pregnancy is going well. She is eight weeks along, and they have given her a due date of June 29, and since she is expecting a repeat Cesarean, they expect a date around June 22.
Granna was carried back to the hospital today, because she was very lethargic. When they got her there they drained fluid off of her heart (the first signs of congestive heart failure). They said that it was due to the fact that she has pneumonia. They are hoping to be able to treat her and keep a close eye on her and get the pneumonia cleared up in the next few days.
*Update 11/18, Granna is in ICU because they can't get her O2 Stats up.*
Bro. Allen Cook passed away Monday evening. Please keep his dear wife Sis. Lona and their family at this time.
Finally as a bit of good news, Sis. Amanda Mizel's pregnancy is going well. She is eight weeks along, and they have given her a due date of June 29, and since she is expecting a repeat Cesarean, they expect a date around June 22.
8:43 PM
1 random thoughts
So we've been potty training this past week. I've been wanting to do this for a while, because 1) I'm super sick of changing diapers, and 2) having one child in diapers is expensive having two in diapers is painful to our budget. Seriously I can hear the budget crying as I walk up with diaper receipts in hand. I was hoping to have Britt potty trained by two, this summer he started seeming like he was ready. He would come to me and pull on the diaper asking for a new one by saying "bap-per" for diaper and with a little help he can get down and step out of his shorts. Most of all he is protesting at diaper changes trying to cover himself up and he is interested in the toliet. He has liked following us into the bathroom for months, wanting to drop the toliet paper in the toliet and flushing it.
However, I didn't start sooner because everyone advised us to wait until after the baby, because he would probably regress some when she got here. So I thought starting sometime in October would be good, because the newness of the baby should be worn off and it would give us about 2 months till the holidays, but October was a bad month for us because it involved so many test and papers, that I just didn't have the time to devote to it. So we started this past Tuesday.
We decided to try the naked baby method, since people said within a week they could be a long way to trained. Since it was cold, he wore a long sleave shirt and socks. The first day was a nightmare. I would put him on the toliet about every hour, and he would go some of the time, but not as well as he's been doing in the past. He would get off and run around and have an accident in the floor. I cleaned up 3 spots and Gary may have cleaned up another spot or two. I thought about calling it quits and putting him back in a diaper, but since I knew Kelly and Joshua had a tough first day, I decided to stick it out. Day two went better, he went on the toliet more like he had been before, and he only had two accidents both of which he managed to stop and finish in the toliet. Day three he only had one accident and went in the toliet all day. Over the weekend, we tried pull ups some when we were out of the house, and those are no help. He uses them just like a diaper, and they actually seem to keep him drier than the diapers do.
All in all it went pretty well, HOWEVER, it feels way more like Gary and I are just being trained to take him to the bathroom at certain times than him being trained to use the toliet. He is still lagging in the conversation department only using one word at a time, he seems to understand an aweful lot, but we aren't sure if he understands what we are trying to do. What do you think readers?
We are going to give it another week, and if we aren't making some sort of progress, we may just call it off and try again after New Years, because the next month and a half is going to be a crazy one. My folks are coming down to see us before Thanksgiving, then we are going to Plant City for Thanksgiving. The next weekend we will be going to Tampa for El Bethel's meeting, and then back in Gainesville for a week. Then it will be exams and Christmas break. We hope to spend a week and a half in Alabama and then a week and a half in Plant City. I don't think that much going and doing will be condusive to potty training him. Any advise out there?
I'll leave you with a video that Gary recorded of me and Britt on Saturday while he was using the bathroom. Britt doesn't mind sitting on the toliet as long as we either read his "SkippyJon Jones" books or sing songs. His favorite to ask for is Pooh by which he means "Return to the House of Pooh Corner" by Kenny Logins. He says lots of the words with me, points out his nose, and dances.
However, I didn't start sooner because everyone advised us to wait until after the baby, because he would probably regress some when she got here. So I thought starting sometime in October would be good, because the newness of the baby should be worn off and it would give us about 2 months till the holidays, but October was a bad month for us because it involved so many test and papers, that I just didn't have the time to devote to it. So we started this past Tuesday.
We decided to try the naked baby method, since people said within a week they could be a long way to trained. Since it was cold, he wore a long sleave shirt and socks. The first day was a nightmare. I would put him on the toliet about every hour, and he would go some of the time, but not as well as he's been doing in the past. He would get off and run around and have an accident in the floor. I cleaned up 3 spots and Gary may have cleaned up another spot or two. I thought about calling it quits and putting him back in a diaper, but since I knew Kelly and Joshua had a tough first day, I decided to stick it out. Day two went better, he went on the toliet more like he had been before, and he only had two accidents both of which he managed to stop and finish in the toliet. Day three he only had one accident and went in the toliet all day. Over the weekend, we tried pull ups some when we were out of the house, and those are no help. He uses them just like a diaper, and they actually seem to keep him drier than the diapers do.
All in all it went pretty well, HOWEVER, it feels way more like Gary and I are just being trained to take him to the bathroom at certain times than him being trained to use the toliet. He is still lagging in the conversation department only using one word at a time, he seems to understand an aweful lot, but we aren't sure if he understands what we are trying to do. What do you think readers?
We are going to give it another week, and if we aren't making some sort of progress, we may just call it off and try again after New Years, because the next month and a half is going to be a crazy one. My folks are coming down to see us before Thanksgiving, then we are going to Plant City for Thanksgiving. The next weekend we will be going to Tampa for El Bethel's meeting, and then back in Gainesville for a week. Then it will be exams and Christmas break. We hope to spend a week and a half in Alabama and then a week and a half in Plant City. I don't think that much going and doing will be condusive to potty training him. Any advise out there?
I'll leave you with a video that Gary recorded of me and Britt on Saturday while he was using the bathroom. Britt doesn't mind sitting on the toliet as long as we either read his "SkippyJon Jones" books or sing songs. His favorite to ask for is Pooh by which he means "Return to the House of Pooh Corner" by Kenny Logins. He says lots of the words with me, points out his nose, and dances.
7:50 AM
random thoughts
So I wonder does she talk more because she's the second child and she hears alot more noise around the house than Britt ever did? Someone told me this week she talks more because she's a girl, and last week someone told me it's because that's the only way that second children get noticed; however, I'm inclined to think it's because it's just her little personality to be a bit chatty. After all she has so many big ideas to share.
10:52 AM
No random thoughts
Today you are 3 months old, and the biggest change this month has been your little personality, is really starting to blossom. You smiled for the first time at Britt a day before you turned one month, and you really started smiling at Daddy around 6 weeks. I finally managed to get a smile out of you the day you turned 2 months old. I still think you are our more serious child, I have to work harder to get smiles than I ever had to with Britt. Sadly you will probably hear that the rest of your life. As second child, you will forever be in comparison since we only have our experiences with him to relate back to. You should find comfort in the fact that at least we only have one reference point, the next one is going to have to be compared to you both, haha.
The most astounding thing about you to me, is how talkative you are. (Way ahead of Britt in this, you should be proud to know.) Whenever someone stops to look at you in the car seat, you feel as if it is a chance to share your views on the political front, your theories on how to solve world hunger, your explanation of scientific concepts that even Einstein couldn't quiet grasp, oh and most important of all your chance to convince people to pick you up. I may not have a clue what you are telling me, but boy do you have a lot to say in the most animated and urgent sounding way. This week we went to Salem for their Church meeting, and boy did you talk to everyone there, and yes you succeeded in getting lots of different people to hold and talk to you.
Just one night this week we had the best conversation. All the way home from Church, your Daddy and I talked about Russian history. He thought the Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church were almost exactly the same, so of course I bored him with all the details of Russian history and how the two churches are very much different. We got home, and Daddy needed to run to the store for Cokes, so while I changed the sheets I asked you if you listened to our discussion, since you were awake the whole trip. I told you how when you were bigger you could read my history books and how we would learn all about not just Russian history, but US history and English history and Egyptian history. After talking about that sort of stuff, I told you we wouldn't just learn history, but we would learn mathematics and we would do fun stuff like word problems, not just silly theoretical math but how it applied to things, and how we would use it to learn way fun stuff (cause math really isn't fun) like physics and chemistry. I told you how we would learn how the universe works and study all sorts of fun and important things. You in the most appreciative way added your coos and other sounds at the appropriate times along with facial expression about how exciting history sounded and how dreadful math sounded. And I realized, it was our first real conversation. The first, I hope, of many.
Not only are you a real chatter box these days but you are growing stronger each day. Why just last night you manged to rock forward while you were sitting leaned up against the pillows on our bed. You balanced without resting against anything for almost 30 seconds. I was shocked. Whoever heard of such a thing at just 3 months old. You rolled over from back to stomach for the first time on Thursday. You have done it almost nonstop since then. You never have cared for being on your back. You either want to be sitting up, really straight or on your belly.
You find your hands more and more often these days as well. You like to suck on your middle two fingers or your thumb, and still only take the pacifier when you have a mind too. Fingers suit me just fine, after all I don't enjoy constantly turning around while Daddy drives like a lunatic trying to get it back in your mouth and Daddy likes it even less when I make him get up and go and put it back in your mouth at night when you wake up fussing.
We have also managed to get you to sleep through the night 5 of the last 7 nights. We still can't get you to sleep anyway but in the swinger, so I have no idea when we will actually try to move you into the crib, but at least we are sleeping mostly at night now. All sorts of exciting things this week. Of course what I didn't mention was that you didn't go down on some of those nights until 2 o'clock. You are indeed our little night owl. You sleep great all morning, and party all night. You are most alert and awake in the last afternoon and early evening, then you take a short nap before dinner, and party until midnight or later most nights. I think we might have to work on breaking you of sleeping in the swing this next month.
Britt seems to be your best friend, and we hope that you two will remain close. Even after you get old enough to realize that he is just a bit possessive of you, and even after he realizes that you can take his toys away too. You two seem to enjoy laying together in the floor or on the bed and you grin and laugh at each other. It delights me to no end to watch you two when you are both happy and not shrieking at me.
I love you,
12:44 AM
1 random thoughts
3:36 PM
random thoughts
Britt is amusing to watch during Church these days. He for the most part sits on the bench and faces the front, but he's not still. Britt flips through the song book, keeps rather sporatic time, and best of all he dances in the pew. Of course, when all else fails there's always taggie or a stuffed animal in the diaper bag to chew on. The dancing cracks me up, so I had to covertly try to get a little on film last Sunday. He didn't dance much on Sunday mostly swaying and a little bouncing. Sometimes he's going to town to the point that Gary asks me if I'm raising a holy roller back there. I'm just glad that he's fairly still and seems to like the singing. You'll have to forgive me for recording during Church, but it's one of those memories that I want to save.
7:45 PM
No random thoughts
Yesterday I talked with Dr. Moss the head of the department about possibly switching from the MAB (Master's of Agribusiness) to the MS (Master's of Science with a concentration in Agribusiness with thesis). I was discouraged to find out that there were a number of classes I would have to have through next December, most of which require higher Calculus that I haven't done for 10 years. Not to mention that I would still need to write a thesis which might keep me in school for an extra year. The degree path that I'm currently on is for those interested in working in business where as the other degree is really more for those who want to do research. While I'm interested in research and the other degree is better, the degree that I'm currently pursuing is really more in line with what I would like to do. However, I really wanted to work on this project of determining the best replacements for Methyl Bromide.
So, today I talked with Dr. VanSickle, the professor that offered me the assistanceship if I would change programs. I told him the program I was in was really a better fit, and because the upcoming classes are built on the classes that I would have been taking this semester in the other program I didn't feel like I could change programs mid stream. I told him I would really like to still work on the project, and I understood if he couldn't give me funding. I said if there was any way to help pay for my tuition for next semester I would love to work on this project as my internship. He told me he could do better than that. He said that he would really like me to work on this project due to my background in the industry, so he plans to grant me the assistanceship as an internship - wave my tuition next semester, and pay me a stipend just as if I was in the other program.
This is really great news! We still have to work out the fine points with Jess, our department secretary. I'm really excited about doing this research. I get to look at all aspects of Methyl Bromide replacements and I get to work with Dr. Noling. I doubt he will see a significant difference in yield because these farmers have been phasing this stuff out for years now, but I predict that he will see a growing number of diseases and pest, which means that farmers will be spending far more on chemicals to control these things than they did with Methyl Bromide.
So, today I talked with Dr. VanSickle, the professor that offered me the assistanceship if I would change programs. I told him the program I was in was really a better fit, and because the upcoming classes are built on the classes that I would have been taking this semester in the other program I didn't feel like I could change programs mid stream. I told him I would really like to still work on the project, and I understood if he couldn't give me funding. I said if there was any way to help pay for my tuition for next semester I would love to work on this project as my internship. He told me he could do better than that. He said that he would really like me to work on this project due to my background in the industry, so he plans to grant me the assistanceship as an internship - wave my tuition next semester, and pay me a stipend just as if I was in the other program.
This is really great news! We still have to work out the fine points with Jess, our department secretary. I'm really excited about doing this research. I get to look at all aspects of Methyl Bromide replacements and I get to work with Dr. Noling. I doubt he will see a significant difference in yield because these farmers have been phasing this stuff out for years now, but I predict that he will see a growing number of diseases and pest, which means that farmers will be spending far more on chemicals to control these things than they did with Methyl Bromide.
11:50 AM
1 random thoughts
It's way past time for a new update on the prayer request list, so I'm here today to provide it. :)
Granna has had another set back. She initially broke her shoulder about a month and a half ago. She was moved over to a rehab center in order to help with the healing. When they went back two weeks later to see the specialist, it was determined that she was going to need surgery because it wasn't healing properly on its on. They did surgery and sent her back to the rehab center where she has been going through therapy. Just two days ago during therapy the shoulder dislocated and she is back up at Plant City hospital. She may need to undergo surgery again, as it doesn't appear to be healing correctly. **1:30 update - Granna saw the surgeon this morning and they were able to reset her shoulder without surgery. She is wearing something similar to a sling to keep her arm close to her body all the time, for a while until they are sure it is healing. Then she will go back to rehab.**
Nate Ferrel just got back from his 6 month check up at the Houston Mito Clinic. They received alot of good news while they were out there. They are making a few changes to his medicine routine, but all in it's looking like they are being able to successfully manage the disease at this time. He's such a funny little man, and Britt likes to follow him around Sunday afternoons as they contemplate what mischief they can get into next.
Grandmother has done really well with her shoulder, but I would ask you to keep remembering her in your prayers. She has had a bit of stomach trouble off and on in the past, but it appears some of the medicine that they were giving her to manage the pain and help with her shoulder have aggravated her stomach. She's having alot of the symptoms that my mother had a little over a year ago - she just doesn't feel much like eating and isn't very comfortable.
There are three new request I'm adding this week...
Bro. Allen and Sis. Lona Cook are some dear Primitive Baptist friends from West Texas. I met them several years ago through my grandparents. I have affectionately referred to them as my "God - grandparents" since they are old enough to be my grandparents and have been such a Godly encouragement. Brother Allen has always encouraged me to sit with the deacons and ministers at meetings and learn. Like my father and grandfather he always encouraged me to study and ask questions. I have learned alot from listening to him and Granddaddy discuss scripture. They made the very special effort to come all the way to Florida when Gary and I got married, which meant quite alot to me. Brother Allen is in the last stages of prostate and is in alot of pain. He is ready to go home, and while I know I will miss him; I would ask you to pray for comfort for Sister Lona and rest for Brother Allen.
Jon and Amanda Mizel just found out that they are expecting again, go here to read their story.
Finally if everything goes well in a few weeks Bro. Randy and Sis. Paula will be adopting a brand new baby boy. We would ask you all to pray for this dear couple who Gary and I admire so much. They are always an encouragement to others, offer good advise, and are just a joy to be around. They are wonderful parents and very much want a second child. We ask for your prayers in this matter.
Finally a note on us, Gary has had several interesting opportunities in the last month. First, we discovered that there was an internship with Bayer coming open in Florida that he was a perfect fit for that would provide him a good opportunity to fill the internship part of the program early, and might provide a permanent position next summer. Then, we attended a conference where Gary was able to interview with 9 different companies for more than 20 job openings. There were several positive experiences, and one that was very interested in Gary and conducted a second interview. Finally, there is a professor on campus who has been very impressed with Gary's work and due to his background would like to offer him a research assistance ship to determine the most cost-effective replacement for methyl bromide (and which gives the best coverage). This is something that Gary did a little of at Crop and would like to do more of, and would give him some very valuable and marketable skills in the strawberry industry after he graduates. The catch is that he would have to slightly change his degree from a Masters of Agribusiness to a Masters of Science in Agribusiness this means at the earliest he would be graduating in December and he would be required to write a thesis.
Like I said, we have had many exciting opportunities, and up until this point we've been pursuing all options. However, soon we are going to have to make a decision in which direction to go. We received word on Tuesday that Bayer had chosen someone else for their internship. (Gary thinks it's because they already had housing, and he had the baggage of a family, and the living accommodations really weren't set up for that.) So far we haven't heard much back from the job interviews, and may not for sometime. However, the decision about changing degrees will need to be made fairly quickly and if we go that route, Gary won't be able to look for or take full time work. He will be going to school full time, essentially be working full time doing the leg work for this research assistance ship, and writing a thesis in there some where. Gary is praying for clear guidance on which route to take, and we would like to ask that you continue to remember us.
Granna has had another set back. She initially broke her shoulder about a month and a half ago. She was moved over to a rehab center in order to help with the healing. When they went back two weeks later to see the specialist, it was determined that she was going to need surgery because it wasn't healing properly on its on. They did surgery and sent her back to the rehab center where she has been going through therapy. Just two days ago during therapy the shoulder dislocated and she is back up at Plant City hospital. She may need to undergo surgery again, as it doesn't appear to be healing correctly. **1:30 update - Granna saw the surgeon this morning and they were able to reset her shoulder without surgery. She is wearing something similar to a sling to keep her arm close to her body all the time, for a while until they are sure it is healing. Then she will go back to rehab.**
Nate Ferrel just got back from his 6 month check up at the Houston Mito Clinic. They received alot of good news while they were out there. They are making a few changes to his medicine routine, but all in it's looking like they are being able to successfully manage the disease at this time. He's such a funny little man, and Britt likes to follow him around Sunday afternoons as they contemplate what mischief they can get into next.
Grandmother has done really well with her shoulder, but I would ask you to keep remembering her in your prayers. She has had a bit of stomach trouble off and on in the past, but it appears some of the medicine that they were giving her to manage the pain and help with her shoulder have aggravated her stomach. She's having alot of the symptoms that my mother had a little over a year ago - she just doesn't feel much like eating and isn't very comfortable.
There are three new request I'm adding this week...
Bro. Allen and Sis. Lona Cook are some dear Primitive Baptist friends from West Texas. I met them several years ago through my grandparents. I have affectionately referred to them as my "God - grandparents" since they are old enough to be my grandparents and have been such a Godly encouragement. Brother Allen has always encouraged me to sit with the deacons and ministers at meetings and learn. Like my father and grandfather he always encouraged me to study and ask questions. I have learned alot from listening to him and Granddaddy discuss scripture. They made the very special effort to come all the way to Florida when Gary and I got married, which meant quite alot to me. Brother Allen is in the last stages of prostate and is in alot of pain. He is ready to go home, and while I know I will miss him; I would ask you to pray for comfort for Sister Lona and rest for Brother Allen.
Jon and Amanda Mizel just found out that they are expecting again, go here to read their story.
Finally if everything goes well in a few weeks Bro. Randy and Sis. Paula will be adopting a brand new baby boy. We would ask you all to pray for this dear couple who Gary and I admire so much. They are always an encouragement to others, offer good advise, and are just a joy to be around. They are wonderful parents and very much want a second child. We ask for your prayers in this matter.
Finally a note on us, Gary has had several interesting opportunities in the last month. First, we discovered that there was an internship with Bayer coming open in Florida that he was a perfect fit for that would provide him a good opportunity to fill the internship part of the program early, and might provide a permanent position next summer. Then, we attended a conference where Gary was able to interview with 9 different companies for more than 20 job openings. There were several positive experiences, and one that was very interested in Gary and conducted a second interview. Finally, there is a professor on campus who has been very impressed with Gary's work and due to his background would like to offer him a research assistance ship to determine the most cost-effective replacement for methyl bromide (and which gives the best coverage). This is something that Gary did a little of at Crop and would like to do more of, and would give him some very valuable and marketable skills in the strawberry industry after he graduates. The catch is that he would have to slightly change his degree from a Masters of Agribusiness to a Masters of Science in Agribusiness this means at the earliest he would be graduating in December and he would be required to write a thesis.
Like I said, we have had many exciting opportunities, and up until this point we've been pursuing all options. However, soon we are going to have to make a decision in which direction to go. We received word on Tuesday that Bayer had chosen someone else for their internship. (Gary thinks it's because they already had housing, and he had the baggage of a family, and the living accommodations really weren't set up for that.) So far we haven't heard much back from the job interviews, and may not for sometime. However, the decision about changing degrees will need to be made fairly quickly and if we go that route, Gary won't be able to look for or take full time work. He will be going to school full time, essentially be working full time doing the leg work for this research assistance ship, and writing a thesis in there some where. Gary is praying for clear guidance on which route to take, and we would like to ask that you continue to remember us.
10:32 AM
No random thoughts
That afternoon while Gary napped we decorated. Sara put up the spider webs and Britt doesn't like the way they feel at all. Then after Lydia made baked pumpkin seeds , so and Britt played awhile. For my first attempt I think the pumpkin I carved turned out pretty well.
2:10 PM
1 random thoughts