Where we've been...
It's been a busy few weeks here on the home front. After we did early trick or treating, we spent 5th weekend over at Panama City at a Church meeting. We were able to hear Bro. David Montgomery. We were all nursing colds, and I had about decided that we just needed to stay home. Gary still felt like we needed to go, in his words he needed his batteries recharged. It had been a really hecktic two weeks with school, and internships, assistanceships, and jobs were all up in the air. So we set out on Friday afternoon, and heard some wonderful preaching and enjoyed the company of Elders J.C. Stanaland, James Conley, and David Montgomery. Britt had a ball playing with everyone especially Bro. David. Gary and I felt refreshed, it's amazing how driving four hours to a meeting after an exhausting week, just to sit on pews all weekend, leaves you feeling refreshed. He had wonderful sermons on Thursday night on Total Depravity (which we missed out on), True Fellowship (on Friday night), Prayer, Forgiveness, and the Apostle Paul's experience on the road to Damascus (on Saturday), and a wonderfully simple sermon on What it is We Believe (Sunday morning).
After the meeting, Britt took a nap, while we drove back to Plant City. Gary's class on Monday was cancelled so we made the trek down, so that we would be there to vote on Tuesday. We were able to visit with several family members, and some Church members as well. We didn't get to see near everyone that we wanted, but we were only there for a day and a half. Poppa J and Grandmaw Bea were able to see Ruth for the first time. Grandmaw Bea didn't want to share with Amanda, and Poppa J amused her with a mixture of Korean and giberish in his best high pitched baby voice. Britt stayed behind when the rest of us headed back to Gainesville. He spent the rest of the week playing with his cousins and wearing out Memaw. Gary and I spent a quiet week doing lots of homework, and some cleaning.
We got to visit with Mom and Dad for awhile last Saturday when they brought Britt back, and Mom took me down to J.C. Penny's and we found me some warmer clothes, since I don't really have any warm things that fit. This week thankfully was slower, so we started potty training which is a story for another post. This week was also Salem's meeting at Lake City, so we went over there Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings and heard Elder Ronald Lawrence preach. The kids were suprisingly well behaved. I have come to the conclusion that Britt does much better for evening services (this has only been since about the time he turned 15 mons). So Gary and I were able to listen to most of the preaching (for once).
This weekend we are enjoying a nice long break. No homework that has to be done this weekend, so Gary's not doing any. Nowhere to be, so we're staying at home being lazy, and watching football on the laptop...
2 random thoughts