Going Fishing...
About a week ago, Daddy and Mister went fishing and they took me with them. I was so excited to go. I've been asking Daddy to carry me fishing for a couple of months now. The day before we left, we had to go to town to buy me a "Fishin' vest" and my own "fishin' rad" The vest was pretty much just like my church vest, except big and fluffy. I was especially excited about my fishing pole. It is red and blue, and has spiderman on it.
I couldn't hardly sleep the night before we left. I got up several times to ask Momma if it was time to go fishing yet. She came in my room the morning of the big day and woke me up. I bounced out of bed, and put on jeans, and my fishing shirt, and a coat, and shoes, and I ran into the kitchen to tell Daddy lets go. It was cold and it was early but Mister came in the truck with the boat, and off we went.
First we had to go and buy some worms, but they didn't have any. Daddy wanted me to stand still while he and Mister unloaded the boat, but I just couldn't I was too excited. Daddy kept pulling me back from the water. Then as soon as it got in the water, I jumped in. They had to get me back out because they had to put all the stuff in first, and then Mister had to get in the back, and then I could get in.
Daddy tried to show me how to cast, and after I threw the pole in the water several times, they tied some extra fishing line to it, and to the boat, so that we could retrieve it when I lost it. Daddy said that I was suppose to put the line at the tip in the water. Just to be safe though, I stuck the line, "the rad", and my whole fist in the water. I wanted to be sure that the fish could see it and get on it.
Daddy and Mister told me that I was suppose to be quiet and still so that I didn't scare all the fish away. Well, I was too excited to sit on my stool in the middle of the bottom, sometimes I leaned over to see the water better (Daddy says I have no fear of water). Sometimes I would climb up to ask Daddy something, and sometimes I would have to go back to check on Mister. I had lots of questions too. Daddy said he didn't know one little boy could make such racket on such a little boat.
Around noon, we left to go buy worms from Daddy and Mister's normal guy. They had a pile of cats, I couldn't count that many or that fast. After we got the worms, we went to a different place to fish. We had lots of good things to eat like a Cuban. I had cups of juice, and some Mountain Dew. But the best part was Daddy's Oatmeal Creme Pies. I like to eat "Da-e's Pays."
When we got back home, I showed Momma my fish, and how to reel. It lead to lots of laughter.
2 random thoughts