15 Questions

by - 2:13 PM

Today since Britt just turned three I asked him about some of his favorite things. I got the idea from another blogger. Here were his answers...

What is your favorite color? "Blue like my Gator cup."
What is your favorite book? "Choco book." (A Mother for Choco by Keiko Kasza)
What is your favorite movie? "Gator movie." (Peter Pan)
What is your favorite song? "Cow Jump Over the Moon."
What is your favorite animal? "An orange cow, hahahaha! There no orange cows, Momma!"
What is your favorite things to wear? "My tiger clothes." (Auburn stuff)
What is your favorite thing to do outside? "Ok, checkin da chickens." (Check on the chickens.)
What is your favorite drink? "Juice."
What is your favorite thing to eat? "Chicken nuggets."
Where is your favorite place to go? "Go outside."
What is your favorite thing to help Momma and Daddy do? "Pick sticks." (pick up sticks out of the yard for the fireplace.)
What is your favorite part of our day? "Movies and milk and cacorn!" (popcorn)
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? "Grumps and Ahna and Aunt Maghen and Unca Clint. No, they don't sleep wiff you, hahahaha! Moo Cow, cowboy blanket, my blanket, and Gwow worm." (Glow worm)
Who is your best friend? "Lilli, no Lilli mine cousin. Moo Cow is mine friend."
What do you want to be when you grow up? "A cow... I not a cow. I a wittle boy!"

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