Like Mother, not Like Daughter
I've been meaning to do a blog for me and Ruth like I did for Britt and Gary for the last 6 months or so. The only problem with this plan is that Ruth still doesn't look a thing like me. In case you thought she did in some way view the following exhibits.

(Ruth, 3 months, 12-3-2010) (Danielle 2.5 months old, 7-31-1985)
Ruth has those cubby cheeks, and the quintessential Cunningham ears, I have a much narrower face and strange elfish looking ears. She has those squish half moon eyes and I have big saucer eyes. The only resemblance there is we are both tiny girls.
(Ruth, 6 months, 3-15-2011) (Danielle, 5.5 months, 10-27-1985)
Once again same vast difference in features. Ruth has cherub cheeks, I look a little on the thin side. She has crazy eyes, I look normal for a change. The only resemblance I see are two happy babies.
(Ruth, 1 yr old, 8-14-2011) (Danielle, 1 yr old, 5-13-1986)
This is the only set of pictures I've been able to dig up that I see a little resemblance. We both have squishy eyes and crazy faces. And why wouldn't we, it's our first birthday and we are getting ready to eat lots of cake.
(Ruth, 16 months old, 12-29-2011) (Danielle, 19.5 months, 1-1-87)
The only resemblance in this set of pictures is that we are wearing the exact same set of clothes. Really. This is one of the few outfits that were saved from me. While she may not look a thing like me, I couldn't be more proud of the little girl who comes to show me her treasures, who runs to me to kiss away bumps on her head, and how snuggles better than other living creature (I'm sure of it).
1 random thoughts