The Grovey New Stroller

by - 5:28 PM

I've borrowed Mom and Dad's double stroller a few times, because it's hard to get out with two kids so close in age. Ruth even now refuse to walk anywhere out except very rarely, and then only in the direction and speed at which she wants to move. So by default she's almost always the one in the stroller. Poor Britt likes to walk, but eventually he gets tired, and then he wants to sit or be carried. It's way easier to let him sit and carry Ruth, but she holds on about as well as a sack full of potatoes does, except she's far squirmier, imagine trying to carry a big fat, lazy cat (minus the claws). Let's just say it doesn't work out that well for us. As a result I often limit trips out and about to either one day long thing a week, when Gary can come, or very short trips.

I had also mentioned to Gary back when we were in Gainesville, that it would be nice to have a jogging stroller. I would kinda like to start running again, or at least walking enough extra to lose some baby weight. But once again unless someone is watching the kids daily, they need to come along too, and we still have the problem of what to do with the kids as far as the one stroller logistics. When Ruth was still small and weighed much less than she does now, I could wear her and push Britt in the stroller, but she is at the weight limit for the front carrier now, and to be honest to wear her very long makes us both immensely sweaty and she is super heavy these days.

Enter the totally awesome new stroller that I mentioned yesterday. It's new to us anyway. The second hand shop down the road from us gets a fair amount of business from us, we carry girl clothes in from time to time (we have enough for triplets so some of the stuff me and the girls decide we don't care for goes down there), and we buy stuff for Britt, especially shoes. Well the Carousel Kids Consignment shop has had a double jogging stroller I've been eyeing a few weeks now ever since it was at $75. I finally bargained with Gary last week to let me cash in our change jar for it. I had 31 dollars in silver change, and thank goodness he didn't make me carry the pennies in. We got it for $50. I knew I had gotten a great deal, but I didn't realize just how good of a deal I had gotten until I started looking around online to see if I could find a manual for it.

Turns out it's a Dream Design Ditto Jogger Stroller (we have the older model in navy blue), and the older model and the newer model both sell for anywhere between $350 and $450, which lots of people say are totally worth it, but I would have trouble justifying that expense for any stroller, even if we were making tons of money. Even the used ones I saw online were going for no less than $150, so I really did get a steal. My only complaints are that it's pretty bulky, but I've yet to see a double stroller that isn't. I did learn online, that the wheels have a button to pop off, and then the stroller will fold flatter. And my other complaint is that the hood seems to be pretty close to the top of Britt's head. He doesn't mind, and when it's folded up, he uses it as a
pillow, but I read that most kids seem to be close to the top of it. It really does turn on a dime, and is very light (considering the size). It drifts a bit to the left when you run with it, but I think it's because Gary took off the front wheel, piddled with it, and didn't get it one quite right. It's really easy to push, and they will almost run away without me. Britt told me "We all wide together, Momma. It's soooo fun!" I saw where the company has gone out of business so the 20 year warranty isn't any good, but I think it's a great design, way better than any of the other double strollers I've played with. If you need a double stroller have the chance to get one second hand, I would recommend it.

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