
by - 12:33 AM

Well, in case you didn't notice, SURPRISE, I couldn't sleep last night (still all wound up from our annual meeting I suppose) so at 2:30 am, I decided to revamp the blogspot.  I get so bored with the same thing all the time, it really is amazing that I was able to leave the last layout up for an entire 13 months!  ESPECIALLY since it was pink.  I really hate pink.  I just thought it would be kinda fun, since the girls around here, finally outnumbered the boys.  So as usual, after a year, I got some thing new, more along my favorite color scheme green and blue and brown.

Getting the garden in the ground.  We are trying something new this year, Square Foot Gardening.

So, as you might not recall, one of my New Year's Resolutions was to find some way to reclaim some me time, doing some of the things I really love.  Like maybe reading a book sometime this year, or catching up the scrapbooks in which the last entry reads we are expecting a girl!  (That would be Ruth not Rebecca.)  Maybe actually making time to blog for myself.  Let's just say, I haven't even attempted to check that off my list.  I really would like to reclaim this blog though.  I love that the kids can record things in their own words (especially since all the scrapbooks are pitifully behind), but I want to do some serious writing again.  Maybe about what I'm studying or maybe about some good meetings (like this weekends).  Somewhere along the line the blog morphed from lots of interesting thoughts to a journal, and that's fun and useful (for whenever I catch up those scrapbooks), but I'd like to get back to some sort of substance writing.  (Of course, I've completely wasted two paragraphs already with no substance, yes I do see the irony here.)  So, I thought today, I am going to blog again, WOOHOO!  Gary is home, the kids are outside, he can hold down the fort.  And you know the slight problem with this grand plan?  I haven't come up with a single coherent topic.

Talking on the phone to Bro. Jonathan, getting ready for our Church Meeting.
Laugh if you must, but I'm serious.  For the first gazillion times I tried to pop in here today, I had nothing.  For the next gazillion times I sat down to type, I had too many things.  I want to tell you about our meeting this weekend, but I can't come up with the right words to describe just how uplifting it was, and then I thought I might just link some of the sermons, so I went to go load them.  I thought I might tell you about some funny memories that came back to me while driving the other night, but they were too disconnected.  I thought I might write about some recent life lessons learned through motherhood, but then remembered One True Media is closing, so I need to sign on and download that stuff before I lose it.  SO instead, you got a pretty rambling and pointless post, in which I'm promising, I will write something of note, and something interesting... soon.  In the meantime here are some random pictures of what I've been up to this past month, you know when I'm not chasing heathens!

Taking pictures at our Church Meeting

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