Gulf Coast Fellowship Meeting
3-28-09, Britt 2 months old, at the hotel on Saturday morning. |
This past Thursday, with 1.5 month old Rebecca in tow, we again were able to visit Bethel Church. We heard Bro. Jonathan Wise (son of Eld. Larry Wise) speak first. He had been exercising about 7 or 8 months. His thoughts centered on Psalm 31 and Genesis 45. He spoke about some of the types and shadows of Jesus in the old testament. He brought out several good points. His delivery is still rough, but I think with time and practice he may prove to have a gift. He was followed by Elder Ronnie Loudermilk. I was excited to hear him, because he's suppose to be with us at our annual meeting in July. I've heard of him, but never heard him preach. He had a very good message on enduring, which he took from Acts 14 and Paul's experience in Lystra. He healed a man and preached a great sermon, but they totally missed the point and started worshiping them. Then he told them to stop, preached again, and they stoned him. He supervised and went back to preach to them again. That is a picture of endurance. I really enjoyed his sermon, he is very passionate when he's in the stand.
3-31-13, Rebecca 5 weeks old, Easter Sunday the same weekend of meeting |
2 random thoughts