No One Would Choose Corona

by - 2:28 PM

Today I have another guest post from our niece Julia.  J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the below quote in the Lord of the Rings.  Many people have used it to talk about the situation we are facing today with the Corona Virus.  What does the quote mean to you?

I wish we didn't have to live through the Corona.  No one basically wants to.  I don't think anyone would want to.  I wish Corona wasn't even found.  I kinda don't want anyone to pass because everyone deserves to live.  We would never pick to live when an illness or something like that comes along.  This is also a chance to spend time with family.  The worst part is it takes forever to do school.  But we do get to sleep more.  Something I want to use my time to do is play more board games instead of electronics.

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