10:29 AM
No random thoughts
Yesterday, I wanted to take some Easter pictures of the kids before we left for Maryland for the weekend. The problem though is that while I have four children, I don't actually have one of them. For this reason I have avoided family pictures like the plague since losing Abigail. I didn't even take a picture of the kids together in their Christmas outfits before Church, something I always do. I don't know when I will be ready for a real family picture. Mostly because I must some how include her, but I haven't figured out how. So I decided to buy a simple pink balloon, an idea I stumbled across on Pinterest, to represent her. I took about a billion pictures (at least 40) before a had a few cute ones. One of these days in all my free time I am going to learn to take great photos of the kids.
Afterward, I had thought we would let it go. The kids wanted to know if the Abigail balloon would make it all the way to Abigail. We have talked in the past about sometimes people send balloons off at funerals with messages. And they wanted to write her a message on her balloon. So we all signed it, and they all drew smiley faces. Ruth added eyelashes and a heart to her's "since Abigail is a girl." I didn't tell them that scientifically speaking the thing would float awhile and eventually land somewhere, probably be a problem in nature, but I also didn't tell them that she would receive their message. The four of us held it together and Britt counted down to let it go. We watched it drift away off toward Lake Okeechobee. Ruth said she missed the Abigail balloon. Britt said he missed Abigail. Rebecca just said yeah. And I agreed.
1:30 PM
No random thoughts
Rebecca too thought she needed to make a story for me to type. Since it was mostly unintelligible. I filmed it for her. Enjoy?
2:03 PM
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Picture by Ruth |
The horse is pushing bear into the hot lava. |
11:23 AM
No random thoughts
3-14, Batting. |
3-16, Catching. |
I have played three games. The last game they used a machine to count score on a big board. We one the first game 5-3. We tied the same team in the second game 3-3. And we won the game today 7-3. I have played catcher sometimes. Once the ball landed right in my glove and I didn't know it. Once their were two runners coming home, but no one threw the ball to me. That's cause the coach yelled "Eat it, eat it." That means to hold it and not throw it. When you do a good job someone gets a game ball at the end of the game. Today, Gage got one for batting in the last RBI in the game. William got one in the last game for making a double play. And somebody else got one. When I went to bat, I hit the ball and I ran to first base, but I kept fouling out. I don't like baseball, I love it.
3-16, With his cheering section. |
9:17 PM
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And this is how we celebrate St. Patrick's Day in Florida swimming with Daddy in our green swim suits, while Momma finishes making a supper of Irish pork roast with gravy, pan fried potatoes, and broccoli.
Britt in the deep end. |
Ruth floating, and pretending to sleep on her back. |
Rebecca doggie paddling all by herself now. |
7:02 PM
No random thoughts
On Monday, I had my very first baseball game. I batted, and I runned, and I didn't catch the ball, but I picked it up off the ground. Then I had a helmet on. Then I had a snack. And my snack was goldfishes and pink gatorade. And when I got back home, Rebecca wanted to drink it but I drank it all, and she was angry. And I gave Britt and Rebecca one of my goldfish, but Rebecca took two instead of one. And then we all ate supper together, and supper was breakfast.
My uniform is blue and yellow. And we have light blue socks. And Britt is dark blue. And Momma has a blue shirt with a baseball with words to wear. And Momma and Daddy cheers for us. And Rebecca says, "Go Ruth go. Go Ruth go. Go Ruth go." And Britt clapped. And Momma had a water bottle.
The game was so fun. The best part is when I run and everyone cheers for me. I like t-ball 100 times.
3:32 PM
1 random thoughts
All Photos by Britt |
A couple of weeks ago, the dinosaurs did funny things while we were doing night time chores. We knew that they were up to something, when they read the book, "What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night." The black T-Rex was shaving, but not with shaving cream. He forgot that part. Or maybe he used shaving cream, but he cleaned up really good. One of them was drying his creast. Ankylosaurs's cousin was flossing, while some of the others were brushing their teeth. Sid took a bath in the bathroom sink. The dinosaurs then started fighting over who could take a bath next. The the T-Rex got so made he through everyone one in the sink, and he took a bath.
Then the triceratops and stegosaurus were playing tractor checkers. Black triceratops got all the tractors that he could in the game. Stegosaurus only had one checker. They played all night, and the next morning, the played another game. It was funny to watch them.
3:58 PM
No random thoughts
The poll workers were really amused when we arrived to vote. I came in with my three, as another lady came in with our two. I have told them voting is important and they know that we either vote yes or no for laws or for people to make laws, but we've not discussed any further than that.
Today though, first we talked about the difference in a primary and the national election in November. We talked about how Florida is a closed Primary state which is why I had to get a Republican ballot from the red line. We talked about how we have a two party system (which Momma isn't a fan of, but we'll talk about that another day). Britt was surprised to see just how many names were on the ballot, so I explained that you have to apply very early to get your name on the ballot. However, since lots of states have already voted, because we don't have a national primary day (even though we should, but once again that's a topic for another day) many of those people have already quit the race. Britt couldn't understand why until I explained that many of those people got such few votes in other states that they couldn't win the nomination so they had announced they wouldn't run. So, a vote for them would be a wasted vote.
On the way up there, I asked them how we picked a president, and they said they didn't know. I asked them do we pick the prettiest person? They laughed, and Ruth said no we pick someone who is good. Britt said we pick someone who is strong, good, and knows how to take care of things. So then I asked them how do we know that. He said, well we should give them a test. I asked them what sort of test. He didn't know, so I asked do we give them a piece of paper and a math test? They thought that was funny. After they couldn't figure out what sort of test, I told them we 1)listen to what they say, 2) we read about what they think, and 3) we watch to see what they really do. So while we voted. I told Britt that the most important thing was do what he and Ruth said about evaluating the best person for the job. But I told him there are a few other considerations that make voting in a primary difficult. I told him that Florida is a winner take all state. Instead of dividing up their votes at the Republican Convention according to who gets what votes, all of Florida's votes will go to the winner. So we also consider who we definitely don't want to win, and think about who can beat them. We also consider who can beat the Democrats in the fall.
I suspect alot went over his head. But he understood somethings, and he and Ruth asked alot of questions, as Rebecca ran laps in the center of the room.
As we left the other lady with her two children were outside taking a picture next to the voting here sign. I offered to take one of her with her kids, and as she left, she said she didn't mean to eavesdrop, but she enjoyed listening to mine and Britt's conversation, it's so important for them to understand what we are doing and why.
3:20 PM
No random thoughts
"a-becca joy unn-ham,"
Happy valentine's day! You are definitely growing up and getting bigger all the time. Things have been changing lately. We now live in South Florida. Instead of selling chemicals and fertilizer, Daddy's new job is farming. You are now 3 years old, and your favorite pass time appears to be changing into Disney Princess dresses. I am happy to say that you are mostly potty trained. I say mostly because you know when to use the bathroom, most of the time you tell us, but you still have a few mishaps.
You seem to be either hot or cold. In other words you are very happy and bouncing off the walls, or MAD, upset and crying two seconds later. But your communication skills are definitely still lacking. When you argue with your siblings, you tend to just scream at the top of your lungs. Which really hurts my ears. Or when you are upset and you are trying to tell Momma or me why, you seem to still be speaking in a different language. Maybe Klingon, monkey or Chinese. Which makes it quite difficult to find out what you are upset about or in need of. Because when you say "I'm hungry," it's more like "ungee." You seem to be able to dress yourself much better. For the most part you are perky.

I'm having more difficulties with you eating at supper time. With more on the floor than in your stomach. It seems to be a regular struggle as well to get all three of you to go to bed each night. But you are also eager to help Momma with certain jobs. You like to push the little vacuum cleaner around, and be helper with lunch or supper. You favorite thing is to play on Momma and Daddy's ipad. Whether it's watching PBS shows or playing some of the little games Momma has for you children.
This year I hope we can work on sharing with you. Because that is really has turned into a problem every day. It is important that you be nice and loving to your brother and sister. Not only are they your family, but they are your friends. They look out for you and try to help take care of you. Sharing is something that we all have to learn. Not only is it being courteous and kind to one another, but it's a good way to put others before you. It also would help Momma and Daddy not having to hear all the arguments with you three kids, if you could share. If you could all take turns.
Becky, I love you. I like how you try to give me hugs every time I come home. It is nice and sweet of you. I love you Rebecca.
Happy valentine's day! You are definitely growing up and getting bigger all the time. Things have been changing lately. We now live in South Florida. Instead of selling chemicals and fertilizer, Daddy's new job is farming. You are now 3 years old, and your favorite pass time appears to be changing into Disney Princess dresses. I am happy to say that you are mostly potty trained. I say mostly because you know when to use the bathroom, most of the time you tell us, but you still have a few mishaps.
You seem to be either hot or cold. In other words you are very happy and bouncing off the walls, or MAD, upset and crying two seconds later. But your communication skills are definitely still lacking. When you argue with your siblings, you tend to just scream at the top of your lungs. Which really hurts my ears. Or when you are upset and you are trying to tell Momma or me why, you seem to still be speaking in a different language. Maybe Klingon, monkey or Chinese. Which makes it quite difficult to find out what you are upset about or in need of. Because when you say "I'm hungry," it's more like "ungee." You seem to be able to dress yourself much better. For the most part you are perky.
I'm having more difficulties with you eating at supper time. With more on the floor than in your stomach. It seems to be a regular struggle as well to get all three of you to go to bed each night. But you are also eager to help Momma with certain jobs. You like to push the little vacuum cleaner around, and be helper with lunch or supper. You favorite thing is to play on Momma and Daddy's ipad. Whether it's watching PBS shows or playing some of the little games Momma has for you children.
This year I hope we can work on sharing with you. Because that is really has turned into a problem every day. It is important that you be nice and loving to your brother and sister. Not only are they your family, but they are your friends. They look out for you and try to help take care of you. Sharing is something that we all have to learn. Not only is it being courteous and kind to one another, but it's a good way to put others before you. It also would help Momma and Daddy not having to hear all the arguments with you three kids, if you could share. If you could all take turns.
Becky, I love you. I like how you try to give me hugs every time I come home. It is nice and sweet of you. I love you Rebecca.
7:10 AM
No random thoughts
7:30 PM
No random thoughts
Ruth then comes back, climbs up into the rocker in my lap, reads off her vocabulary list, and then reads the same story. Little Bit comes sneaking back in bringing taggie, monkey, and Boo (her, Ruth, and Britt's sleeping buddies). Eventually because she is distracting, Gary carries her out. Ruth finishes up and I tell her that she is getting faster, that the goal is to not need to sound out each word, but to begin to recognize when she sees those letters together that they are a certain word. I tell her to have Daddy check the dishes she washed before reading, and then they can play till bedtime.
I'm then cleaning up my desk, and getting ready to watch Bones with Gary, when Rebecca comes running back in, yelling, "MY TURN!" So, I get back in my rocker, she climbs up in my lap, and hands me the same little reader, and I open it and begin to read. Only to be told, "No, no!" She starts over pointing to each word one at a time, just the way that I point to the words in the song book on Sunday morning. I read them as she points to them. Sometimes when I read words like "a" she doesn't move on, and I get to repeat them three times till she is satisfied and moves on. If I continue on and try to start the next page, she makes me start over at the beginning of the sentence. Sometimes she repeats a sentence back to me after I have read it, "Al has a van." When we finish up, she turns, pats my cheek and says, "Good job, Momma." Then she asks for a sticker for her reading.
What a stinker.
12:03 PM
No random thoughts
Strawberry Sisters |
On Saturday, I went to the Strawberry Festival with our cousins. And all the girls except Memaw were on the strawberry team, cause she didn't go. Britt didn't want to join the strawberry team. He and Daddy had regular clothes. The strawberry team is the girls that wear sparkly strawberry shirts. The girls looked just alike. Rebecca and me are strawberry sisters, we both have strawberry bows, and pink boots, and bluejean pants, and strawberry shirts that are just alike.
The Boys |
The girls |
Ruth |
Lilli |
Julia and Rebecca |
Aunt Joan got us some tickets for rides. We went on a space ship train. And I told Lilli to tell the guy who makes the train go, to make the train go faster. It was fun. And we go to Monkey Kingdom. OOHHHH! Welcome to Monkey Kingdom, but remember always don't run. It was so fun! The end.
The grandkids |
2:50 PM
No random thoughts
photo by Britt |
The Alpha and an evil triceratops had to be beat. There was a tank and a bulldozer. The triceratops charged, and the bulldozer drived. He pushed the triceratops backwards. Then the Alpha breathed harmful ice. Then the tank shot harmful bullets, bombs, and cannons right at the frill, before driving and hitting him like a headbutt. Then the triceratops hit the bulldozer as he was about to hit the Alpha. Then the triceratops pushed the bulldozer and tank into a brick wall. Then triceratops throws little Britt out of the tank, and he goes flying off. He jumps and grabs the Alphas tail, climbs up, then jumps of the the Apha's frill onto the triceratops tail. Then he climbs up the triceratops frill, jumps off his horns and back into his tank, where he shoots his front leg and injures him. The bulldozer gets up and drives into the Alpha, but the Alpha freezes him with ice and he is stuck. But the tank shoots the ice off, and then shots the triceratops in the belly and kills him. Then the Alpha is so angry he pushes little Britt's bullets back into his gun by shooting the ice out of his mouth into the gun. But little Britt shoots again, and shoots into the ice pushing ice back into the Alpha's mouth. Then the Alpha swings his chains around the tank and throws it into the air. Little Britt gets out just in time as the tank crashes into the bulldozer. Then little Britt pushes his tank off the bulldozer, and pushes the bulldozer back up. He climbs back into the tank and shoots the Alpha in the tail and it catches on fire. The Alpha jumps into the water to put it out and when he climbs out he freezed the pond. Then when the tank was coming to kill him, the ice broke and the tank fell into the water. Little Britt moved his tank in such a way that the bulldozer scooped him up and pulled him back to land. Then little Britt shoots off one of the tusk of the Alpha. Then the bulldozer accidentally cuts off his tail with his pushing thing. Then he accidentally cuts off both of his hands. Some how the triceratops is still alive, so the bulldozer runs him over and he is dead for good. Then the tank shoots the Alpha through the mouth and kills him. Story made from Britt. The End.
4:23 PM
No random thoughts
Two weeks ago you turned three. In ways, you already seemed to be three, and in other ways it's so hard to see you hit this age. You are the youngest child we have with us, and in so many ways you don't seem so young anymore. You are potty trained for the first time in more than 7 years, diapers aren't something we buy in the store. You with very minimal help dress yourself. Some of it is the haircut, which is so you, and the prissy attitude. You are like a 16 year old crammed into a tiny little body. And for someone who almost didn't talk at all a year ago, you have become a very animated chatter box in the last year. You tell everyone that your name is "A-Becca Joy Un-ham." You have become the most frustrating eater. Still willing to eat most anything, but only if someone else sits and feeds you. Cause who wants to eat when you can just sit and play with your food.
Some things have not changed. You don't know that you aren't as big as everyone else. You don't share well. Anytime someone talks about My Little Ponies, you argue, "Not you ponies, MY ponies." It always cracks us up. You are fiercely independent. You refuse to be called a baby or even a little girl, but insist that you are a big girl now. There is very little that you don't insist on doing for yourself. Infact, you have begun insisting on getting chores so that you can get paid on Saturday too. You adore your brother and want to spend time with him more than anyone in the world. You are definitely a Daddy's girl. Dolls and ponies are your favorite toys. You run full blast and love to move and play hard.
There are a few subtle changes that I have observed in the past year. You have always been not only independent but so self focused that you don't really notice or pay attention to others. In the last 6 months, however, you have become very intuitive. You have an uncanny ability to notice when I am sad and want to cuddle with me. You, the one who has always been unwilling to slow down, and not been in favor of being held, have developed an intuition for others and a desire to comfort. I think this is directly a result of our loss of your little sister. It is impossible to determine how much you understand of what happened. But you also bring up Abigail from time to time.
The one other big change this past year held was a move from the only home you've known in PA to Florida. For a long time you didn't seem to understand that packing up the house. You kept insisting that this wasn't your house, and asking when it would be here. You ask about our librarians back in PA, your best friend Adalynn, and Bro. Jonathan every so often, but you seem to have settled in and adjusted much easier than the others. You enjoy seeing a lot of two of your cousins, Jessica (who you call Jessie) and Lilli, who you call "my wiwi."
I'm sure the next year will hold many more surprises, hopefully good. We pray that you will again get the chance to be a big sister. Next year you will be old enough to play t-ball if you still want to. I hope that your little legs will grow enough this year for you to be able to peddle the tricycle. I imagine you will completely give up naps this year, since many days now you don't take one. Perhaps we will begin you on your own chores. Hopefully you will learn to swim this year. There are so many exciting things ahead of you and we can't wait to see where you will go. We will always love you, Little Bit.
Two weeks ago you turned three. In ways, you already seemed to be three, and in other ways it's so hard to see you hit this age. You are the youngest child we have with us, and in so many ways you don't seem so young anymore. You are potty trained for the first time in more than 7 years, diapers aren't something we buy in the store. You with very minimal help dress yourself. Some of it is the haircut, which is so you, and the prissy attitude. You are like a 16 year old crammed into a tiny little body. And for someone who almost didn't talk at all a year ago, you have become a very animated chatter box in the last year. You tell everyone that your name is "A-Becca Joy Un-ham." You have become the most frustrating eater. Still willing to eat most anything, but only if someone else sits and feeds you. Cause who wants to eat when you can just sit and play with your food.
Some things have not changed. You don't know that you aren't as big as everyone else. You don't share well. Anytime someone talks about My Little Ponies, you argue, "Not you ponies, MY ponies." It always cracks us up. You are fiercely independent. You refuse to be called a baby or even a little girl, but insist that you are a big girl now. There is very little that you don't insist on doing for yourself. Infact, you have begun insisting on getting chores so that you can get paid on Saturday too. You adore your brother and want to spend time with him more than anyone in the world. You are definitely a Daddy's girl. Dolls and ponies are your favorite toys. You run full blast and love to move and play hard.
There are a few subtle changes that I have observed in the past year. You have always been not only independent but so self focused that you don't really notice or pay attention to others. In the last 6 months, however, you have become very intuitive. You have an uncanny ability to notice when I am sad and want to cuddle with me. You, the one who has always been unwilling to slow down, and not been in favor of being held, have developed an intuition for others and a desire to comfort. I think this is directly a result of our loss of your little sister. It is impossible to determine how much you understand of what happened. But you also bring up Abigail from time to time.
The one other big change this past year held was a move from the only home you've known in PA to Florida. For a long time you didn't seem to understand that packing up the house. You kept insisting that this wasn't your house, and asking when it would be here. You ask about our librarians back in PA, your best friend Adalynn, and Bro. Jonathan every so often, but you seem to have settled in and adjusted much easier than the others. You enjoy seeing a lot of two of your cousins, Jessica (who you call Jessie) and Lilli, who you call "my wiwi."
I'm sure the next year will hold many more surprises, hopefully good. We pray that you will again get the chance to be a big sister. Next year you will be old enough to play t-ball if you still want to. I hope that your little legs will grow enough this year for you to be able to peddle the tricycle. I imagine you will completely give up naps this year, since many days now you don't take one. Perhaps we will begin you on your own chores. Hopefully you will learn to swim this year. There are so many exciting things ahead of you and we can't wait to see where you will go. We will always love you, Little Bit.
12:52 PM
No random thoughts