Baking with Momma

by - 8:08 AM

 This week Daddy has been working in the evening at Southwestern.  Bro. Tommy picks him up at 3 and they ride to town together, leaving me and Britt with Momma.  Yesterday, as soon as Daddy got out the door, and we saw them headed down the dirt road, we got to work.  You see we had a mission - bake Daddy a surprise cake.  First we got our stools and Momma got us down a cook book to pick out a cake.  We looked at several, but there were only a couple that Momma had all the ingrediants for.  We decided on a Hummingbird Cake, since it had pineapple in it and Daddy loves pineapple.

Britt measured out all the dry ingrediates 3 cups of all purpose flour, 2 cups of sugar, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1/2 teaspoon of cloves, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.  He stirred it up and then it was Momma's turn, she beat 3/4 cup of butter and 3 eggs together.  Then I got to add the pineapple.  Momma gave me the vanilla to pour in too, but Britt took it and dumped it down the drain, so we did without.  Next the directions said to beat it all together exactly 1 minute.  So we sat on the counter and counted to 20 three times.  Well, actually Britt counted to 12 and then said 16 over and over till Momma actually got to 16, then he counted the right way to 20.  I only said da, da, da, da, over and over every time they said a number.  I thought it was easier, who wants to learn their numbers anyway.

After that we added 1 cup of chopped pecans, and mixed it a little more.  Then Momma poured it all in bunt pan, and stuck it in the oven.  Britt and I kept coming in and asking if we could eat cake yet, but it had to cook a really long time (75 mins).  While it was cooking, Britt helped Momma wash all the dishes.  I wanted to help, but they wouldn't let me, so I pitched a fit in the floor.  It didn't help.  When it finally came out of the oven, Britt and I were very excited.  But, then Momma said we had to wait for Daddy to get home.  The second Daddy came in the door Britt almost gave it all away, he yelled, "Yeah!  Daddy, you have to eat cake now!"  After we ate supper, we all had a piece and I ate all of my piece, and most of Britt's.  I think we should bake cakes more often.

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