Toddler Bed
Gary and I have been debating for some time whether we should move Ruth to a toddler bed or not. I've been saying yes, after all Britt climbs in there every night and dumps toys on her every morning. Sooner or later she's going to figure out how he's getting in and out and try it for herself. Gary's been saying no, after all she's not actually trying to get out. It's one less kid to put back into bed 25 times a night, and it's easy this way. Besides she's a baby. I then remind him that Britt was younger than this when he moved to a toddler bed, and she maybe the baby right now, but she's not a baby anymore. Gary of course always takes that as an opportunity to remind me just how well that didn't work for Britt. Needless to say, this has been repeated several times over the last three or four months, and Ruth has stayed in the crib.
Amazingly enough, the foreseen battle to stay in the bed, still hasn't materialized. It takes them a little longer to fall asleep most nights, but no major getting out of bed fights. I've had to tell her to stop talking and go to sleep several times, but she's not getting out of bed at nap time or bedtime when she's suppose to be sleeping. (The one exception was Friday night, we put them to bed
when we got home... after they slept through preaching. They were nowhere near ready for bed, but I was.) Britt was a pretty easy baby, slept through the night early and was pretty happy go lucky, but he's been a handful to say the least as a toddler. Gary says it's my fault (and he might be mostly right, but I hear Gary wasn't always a walk in the park himself). We never thought Ruth would sleep through the night, but other than that, she's been a dream, so much easier in almost every way than her brother was. So maybe this is just another instance of her being more laid back and compliant than her brother? Maybe she just better understands what I mean than he did at this age. Maybe God just knew we didn't need another stresser in our life right this moment. Who knows, but you are hearing no complaining from this Momma.The truely miraculous part of the story is that since we have moved Ruth to the toddler bed, Britt hasn't come into our room and woke us up once in the middle of the night. He's still getting up at one ungodly early hour, but he has stopped the nightly (or sometimes thrice nightly) trips to attempt to get in our bed, where he's totally not wanted or welcomed I might add. Infact, I'm even letting him start the night in her bed, as long as I hear no talking or playing going on. Sometimes he moves to his bed in the night, but he seems much happier now that they are sleeping together. As for Ruth, she doesn't seem to care if he sleeps with her or not.
All around it's a good thing, because if it wasn't going so swimmingly, I might have to have a short sob story about how my baby's growing up, and it's time for another one, and how Gary has said no more babies until the insurance kicks in on the job that he's gotta be getting soon. Like I said, good thing it's going so well.
1 random thoughts