El Bethel's Annual Meeting

by - 7:08 PM

This past weekend was El Bethel's Annual Meeting time.  They had in Elder Ernie Stump.  We made it to both the Friday night and the Saturday morning services.  Friday night he spoke on "Justification by Blood," and Saturday morning he spoke on "Justification by Faith".  We weren't there Sunday morning, but he had intended to finish up with "Justification by Works."  Like oh so many things in the Bible, it requires proper dividing of the word to determine what kind of justification is under consideration.  Otherwise, it reads as if a slightly crazy guy with multiple personalities wrote the book.  I mean first it says you can't do anything to be saved and then you read where someone was saved by doing such and such.  For it to all make sense, which we know it must, as it is God's word, and not some sociopath's ramblings, you have to figure out the context of each situation.  Bro. Ernie used the analogies of courtrooms.   We were justified by blood before God the Father when the Jesus died on the cross.  He made one offering for sin, and was accepted by God.  In that heavenly courtroom, it was all taken care of, and should trouble us no more.  We are justified by faith, when we come to believe in these things.  We are not saved, and we don't get saved when we believe, Jesus took care of that some 2,000 years ago, but when we come to believe these things are so and have faith, it justifies us in our own minds.  For example, if you were to come and pay off all of our debt, the credit card company and the bank would be happy to take your money.  However, if I didn't know about what you had done for us, I would continue to be worried sick about where we are going to find money for the next payment.  When you tell me and I believe you it takes all the stress off my mind.  If you tell me and I don't believe you, I continue to fret.  HOWEVER, even if I think you are joking and I don't believe you, it doesn't change the fact that it's been paid off.  The bank is satisified, even if I don't know about it.  In the courtroom of my mind, faith justifies me.  We are justified by works, when we get up and do those things that we should be doing.  We are told over and over that we were saved in order that we would get up, follow him, and be about his business.  Now, even if I never do one thing I outta, it doesn't change the fact that He saved me.  Britt may never honor me by behaving, helping out around the house, and obeying me like he should because I'm his mother.  But no matter how that little boy acts, he will always be my son.  Not doing good works, doesn't make us any less God's child, but that doesn't show others that we are.  Think of an orange tree, unless you are a grower who knows alot about citrus trees the way you know it's an orange tree is that it bears oranges.  It's not only an orange tree the couple of months of the year it's bearing oranges, but that doesn't help me tell what sort of a tree it is.  There is an orange tree in our yard, that has never and probably will never bear oranges (due to disease), but that doesn't make it any less an orange tree.  God's children my not show forth good works (due to the disease of sin), but that doesn't make them any less his child.  However, when I see an orange tree with oranges or an individual doing good works, that is evidence to all who see what it is.

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