My First T-Ball Game
Last night I had my first t-ball game of the season. I like t-ball. Only the games though, because the games you can get coke or a ring pop or chips or juice in a bottle. I also like hitting the ball and running to the bases. One time I got to be the first batter. And, the reason why I love hitting, is because I get to run to bases - first base, all the way to third base, then you go back to home plate. It's the first, first, main plate. If you don't have home plate you can't do the game, because it's where you bat, and if you don't bat you don't catch, and if you don't catch you can't throw either. I do not like to catch. Daddy is my coach. Well, he's kinda a good coach. Because he makes me throw, and I don't like throwing. Except the batting part and the running part. I'm excited for my next game. And by the way, before it's the end, we have to say the end, and bye-bye. Now it's the end of the thing. Bye.
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