
2 Years with Britt

Britt,Happy Birthday! It is so hard for me to believe that you could possibly be two years old today, but you are. It seems just a few short days ago, that I held you for the first time, and was a tiny bit miffed that the nurses wanted...

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How's this for a House?

I love Victorian houses, I love older style homes, period. Not like built in the 70s but like built in the late 1800s ...

Leading Singing

I found a songbook the other day, pulled it out and proceeded to tell Momma what songs we were going to sing. After ...

Prayer Request

Hailey Gowens is doing really well. She is learning to eat more on her own and not rely on the g-tube that she has ...

Five Months with Ruth

Ruth,Today you are five months old. You are getting stronger each day. You very often lean forward off the pillows ...

New Year's Celebration

Ok, so two weeks later, I'm just now getting around to posting about our fun New Year's Eve and Day, but hey what can ...

Sleepless in Gainesville

Sleep has been hard to come by lately in our house. With a toddler and an infant I suppose I shouldn't be too ...

A Regular Hoedown with Yours Truly...

I just love the Fiddle that Ahna and Grumps got me for Christmas... Daddy really likes it too for that matter... It ...

National Champs! War Eagle!

We won! Auburn Tigers are the reigning National Champs!!!Tonight definitely rates as one of the top 5 best nights of ...

Home for the Holidays

This year we once again spent Christmas Morning with my family. After we started the morning with playing outside in ...

White Christmas in the Heart of Dixie

It really did snow in the pines. They had taken snow out of the forecast for Christmas, there was a chance of freezing ...

A Good Wooling

(above: Granddaddy wooling Ruth 4 1/2 months old, 12-24-2010 her first Christmas Eve)(below: Granddaddy wooling me at ...

Christmas with the Mallards

This year we gathered at Aunt Cindy's house for Christmas with my dad's side of the family. Due to the snow and the ...