Turning 25

by - 7:32 PM

Thursday was my 25th birthday. Apparently turning 25 is a really big deal. I really thought it was just one more day/year/birthday whatever. I don't mind having birthdays. I see no reason to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of turning 24 or anything like that. God has blessed me to live another year, and I'm happy to be whatever age I am 25, 30, 50, 0r even 80 one of these days.

It reminds me of the year Daddy turned 40. Benjamin was sad all week and went on and on about how he didn't want Daddy to turn 40 on Friday. Finally, Daddy looked and him and said, "Benjamin, what happens if I don't turn 40 on Friday?" Benjamin got very serious and thought a minute, and said "Daddy I hope you turn 40 on Friday." See the alternative to getting older is being dead. You can't stay one age forever.

But apparently being 25 is a big deal. Some people told me every chance they got that I was now a quarter of a century old (which is apparently suppose to make you feel old). Others just flat out told me that I was getting old. Apparently 25 is a big enough deal that some of my younger friends thought I needed a surprise birthday party. They surprised me back on first Sunday (because second Sunday is Mother's Day). We had pizza, chips, and banana splits, oh was it good. A bunch of us got together at the Church that evening and we had a great time, talking laughing, and dancing (well I watched the dancing - and laughed the whole time). We then watched a really good chick flick "The Young Victoria"

For my birthday, Gary and Britt made me a cake. Oh I wish they had taken pictures. I was banished from the kitchen, but all the noise and commentary coming out of there was hysterical. I had a rather delicious strawberry shortcake. Then that evening the Hulls kept Britt so that we could go out and eat at the steakhouse (they give you a free $24 steak for your b'day). It was a wonderful evening.

Gary asked if there was anything I wanted for my birthday, and I told him I would like to see the new Robin Hood movie, but since it came out on Friday we left Britt with Mom during the day, and we caught the afternoon show. It was a really great movie and we had a good time just the two of us. All in all it's been a marvelous week, and I don't mind turning 25 one bit to get to have this much fun.

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