15 months with Britt

by - 9:11 AM


Yesterday morning we had your 15 month check up. Since your birthday you have gained 4 lbs 4 oz, and 1 inch. You are now 25 lb 4 oz, and 30 inches long. You are growing stronger and stronger. You walk like a pro and have a pretty funny, off balanced run that you are perfecting. The more excited you get and the faster you try to run the worse it gets. You can't go in a straight line and your one leg swings too wide, and down you fall. It's so comical to watch. You have officially mastered climbing onto the couches. Only Daddy's chair is safe from you, and I doubt that will be true too much longer.

You still lag a bit behind in communication. You have finally started saying a few words, most only make sense to me and Daddy because we know what you mean, not because they sound much like they are suppose to. You are getting pretty good at telling us animal sounds, and are starting to tell us where parts of your body are. We can ask you all sorts of questions and you run to go and get what we ask you about, but you just don't have much in the way of real words to reply about.

You still love to spend all your time outside, but gosh it's so unbearably hot lately no one wants to go outside with you. Other than running in circles and chasing Daddy your next favorite thing to do is read. I can ask you where's your book, and you pick one out and rush to bring it to me. Your current favorites are The Gingerbread Man and The Big Red Barn.

I suppose we can tell each day that you are more of a toddler and less of a baby. You are becoming quiet independent and boy do you get mad fast when you don't get what you want right away. I suppose you come by that honestly as your Daddy and I aren't exactly mellow, but it's something we are going to have to work on. You are less of a drama queen crying about everything that happens and more of a mad little fellow screaming when I tell you no and take something away. You are getting better about sitting still and mostly quiet in Church, and we think we might be ready to move closer back up to the front. (Your Daddy thanks you profusely for that.)

All in all, you are still our favorite little man, and we enjoy just watching you discover life.


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