Prayer Request

by - 12:51 PM

Bro. Charles Carlton is continuing to improve. This past Sunday he was able to get around with his walker some instead of the wheelchair. He is getting stronger and stronger. He has one final surgery coming up to finish repairing his trach.

Bro. Jim is still looking for work.

I haven't heard a recent update on how Hailey or James are doing. Though from the pictures I see of them both on Facebook they seem to be healthy, happy, growing children.

Nathan Ferrel has had some great labs lately. He could afford to gain some more weight, but for the first time in a while (last fall I believe) he is back on the charts. The other concern as we come into the hot Florida summer time, is that he overheats and tires out so very quickly. Keep the sweet boy in your prayers.

Gary's cousin Megan is due with her little girl the end of the month. She is really hoping for a May baby rather than one in June so she just has a few more days. Keep them in mind.

Parker Allen continues to struggle. Sometimes it 's hard for the family to see him struggle so, but they continue to pray that the Lord would intervene in the situation.

As for us, many of you may have heard that Gary will most likely be starting on his Masters June 28th. Going back for his Master's has been something that we have talked about off and on for a few months now, and after the last job came back and said that Gary would be a much stronger candidate if he had his Masters in Agribusiness, Soil Science, Resource Management, or some other agricultural field, we revisisted the idea again. After 9 months out of work, we felt like we had to do something different, so Gary asked me to fill out a FASFA to determine whether or not we might qualify for any aide in going back to school. We did. Then we looked into a few different ag programs. There were two very good fits at the University of Florida. After talking to a professor last week, he thought Gary was a perfect fit for the program and even though all the deadlines for it had been back in April, he told Gary to plan to start for that program at the end of June. We cannot help but feel that the Lord must be in this situation, because everything has come together so smoothly and quickly, even when it seemed unlikely. From my experiences with trying to get into a grad school, it's not an easy process, which makes this even more of a blessing. We are suppose to be getting all of our official paperwork within the next week or so, and will be heading to Gainesville next Thursday to meet some professors and look for housing. Please keep us in prayers as we take this next step on faith.

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