24 Weeks

by - 3:11 PM

Today we had another check up. We have met 3 different midwives so far, and today's was our favorite so far. She had lots of good news for us, in that everything is looking normal. Oddly enough, from her ultrasound and all of our measurements she appears to be measuring to her due date exactly. We got some advice on trying something a little new to deal with morning sickness, and a script to get our gestational diabetes test here in town before going back in another month.

Our Ruth has reached a big milestone this week. She has put on another 4 oz this week and is about the size of an ear of corn. She recognizes the voices that she hears most now, and after she gets here she will prefer and turn toward those voices. She likes to play with her surroundings, in addition to walking around her main amusement, her only toy really, is to play with her umbilical cord.

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