Our "Pets" Make Us Breakfast!

by - 11:33 AM

So over the last week we have gotten 11 eggs from two of our chickens. One Easter Egger is laying beautiful olive colored eggs, and one of our Rhode Island Reds is laying nice brown eggs. Dragon and Beauty are Gary's new favorites, haha. So yesterday morning and this morning we had enough eggs that I decided to use some to cook with and they tasted great in breakfast casserole. They might taste gamey if I just cooked them, but we will have to see.

Since Rachel has been posting all of these totally yummy recipes and making people hungry I thought I might post one of my own. This is Mother's breakfast casserole (which I think she got from Grandmother). We always use to have it for breakfast when we had company over, along with these wonderful crunchy bakery style muffins that Mother use to make. She's having a harder time finding the muffins now, but the breakfast casserole is great no matter what.
4-6 pieces of bread (enough to line the bottom of a 9x13 pan)
1 lb of sausage cooked and drained
1 cup of grated cheese
6 eggs
2 cups of milk
1 teaspoon of mustard
salt and pepper to taste
First you spray your 9x13 pan with Pam and preheat the oven to 350 F. Then use the pieces of bread to place along the bottom of the pan. After you cook and drain a lb of sausage spread it across the top of the bread, then do the same with the cheese. I don't actually measure the cheese, I just take a handful and sprinkle it till it looks good to me. Finally combine the rest of the ingrediants in a bowl, mix and pour across the top. Cook for 35 to 45 mins on 350. It can be mixed up the night before and sit in the fridge until you put it in the next morning. It can also be cooked and frozen ahead of time, and taste just fine.

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