21 Weeks

by - 9:00 AM

According to our little email that tells us what's going on in there Ruth is about 10 inches long and weighs somewhere around 12 oz... of course that's what she weighed last week, so maybe a little more than that. She is about the size of a good carrot now. She is now covered in vernix and that will protect her skin until right about the time she arrives. Her bone marrow is beginning to take over producing her red blood cells from her liver. For the most part she is fully formed, however she is mostly skin, bones, and organs right now. For the next 19 weeks she will be working those little muscles to strengthen them and putting on fat. It also tells me that I should have gained 10 lbs by now and should put on one a week until the baby gets here. (I'm hoping they are wrong on that.) I will however really like it when I get past the you-just-look-fat stage, and into the you-look-pregnant stage.

She is starting to kick a little more, but for the most part she's still gentle. I kinda wonder if she's heard me tell Britt so often to be gentle that she thinks I'm talking to here. :D I NEVER feel her move before about 10 am, so maybe she's like me and would prefer to sleep in. haha.

I am so excited to be having a girl this time around. So thrilled to be able to finally call her by name when I talk to her during the day. So happy to think about pretty churchy clothes (you know those things I've been complaining that I can't find for Britt). Most of all I wonder who she'll be and what she'll like and what she'll think. I had a dream about Britt before he was born, and in alot of ways he's like that dream was. I've dreamed about this one a time or two and have often wondered if she'll be anything like the dreams.

There are lots of worries like any normal parent... "where are we going to find room for all this baby junk?" "will I have any time for me/Gary/Britt?" "Umm dude, we seriously need to come up with some more money around here?" "I'm I going crazy?" "Did I brush my teeth today?" You know, all the usual stuff. For the most part I'm so excited, and I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is moving, I mean we are half way, at the end of summer this baby will be here. Goodness!

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