Feeding Myself

by - 11:38 AM

So I've been complaining to Momma really regularly that all the other kids get to feed themselves, why can't I. She has been answering just as regularly that she really wasn't looking forward to one more enormous mess to clean up when she doesn't feel well. This morning though I batted my pretty blue eyes and grinned really big, and so she let me give it a whirl with my oatmeal mixed with applesauce. We did it together a few bites, and then she let me do it by myself. It was going good and Momma was surprised at how little mess there was... until she walked off to answer the phone... and that's when I discovered that oatmeal/applesauce makes EXCELLENT finger paint, and that my spoon is far more entertaining as a catapult and a drum stick. Breakfast ended with about half in me, and half all over the place, and Momma muttering about why she thought such a sticky concoction was a good idea in the first place. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I win!

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