Drum Roll Please...

by - 10:36 PM

Maybe Brother Randy really is a prophet. He is two for two... yes, ladies and gentlemen this baby is a GIRL! She weighed in at 12 oz, in the normal range for 20 weeks. They still think she will be here within a few days of Sept 1 (either direction).

I was thinking a girl, but I was last time too. So I thought about Britt having a little brother to room with and share clothes and toys, and two dirty, dirty little men coming in from out in the yard. While I would have been perfectly happy with another little boy, I'm tickled to have a girl. I was hoping for one this time.
Gary is happy, but a little less excited than me. He knows what to expect out of a little boy, someone to rough house and wrestle with, but with a girl all he can envision is putting bars on the windows, extra locks on the doors, and stocking up on shotgun shells to keep teenage boys away. I think he secretly knows that she's going to have him wrapped around his finger in no time. With the way he's become a ball of mush with Britt, I can't wait to see what a little girl does to him. haha.
These are the pictures from our ultrasound today. There is a full body profile, a foot, an upper profile closer in on her face and belly, proof she's a girl, and finally a 3-D picture they took. You can't tell much from the last picture because she had her face up next to the placenta and all the pushing, shoving, moving in the world couldn't convince her to move.

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