Miracle Chick
We have been incubating some eggs. We saw it as a potential to get a few more hens, learn a little more about raising chickens, and maybe in the future make a little money on the side. We were able to get an incubator for a steal at Tractor Supply, and some free buff orphington hatching eggs to try out.
Everything that could go wrong with a first hatch went wrong. We had a little trouble keeping the tempature regulated at first, since we had to move the incubator a few times. Then on the day they were to hatch we lost power for nearly 1o hours. We had 7 that after doing a little egg breaking we think probably would have hatched if it hadn't been for the power outage. One more pipped but died before completely hatching. We had only one little survivor.
I couldn't put him in that big cage with no buddies to help keep him warm, so we fixed him up a little brooder out of an old box, that I thought would keep him warmer. We were a little worried about him at first. It took him a while to perk up and for the first day he wouldn't stand up right, but he walked on his hocks.
He's looking much better now, all happy and chipper. Let's just hope he is a she, cause we don't need another rooster. Maybe we will have better luck with the next batch of Marans eggs.
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