Visiting Albertville

by - 7:54 PM

Today we took a trip over to Albertville to visit some of Ahna's family. Grandmother and Granddaddy loaded up the car and my great-great Uncle Junior and great Aunt Melanie rode with Momma and me over there. We went to visit with all of Aunt Rachel's family. She is Grandmother's sister-in-law, and she was not excited to realize that she is a great-great Aunt now. We went to Julie, Terry, and Win's house. She is my third cousin and Win is my fourth cousin. We had a really big get together because her sister, Dianne and family was in from Santa Fe visiting. Aunt Rachel's brother Donald and his wife Peggy were there too.
There were so many beautiful, expensive things. I'm not sure why Momma wouldn't let me touch anything, but I really liked Dianne because she carried me all around and let me touch horse statues and big eagles, windows and glasses, and antique furniture and chairs. I think my favorite might have been either the statue of the man shooting arrows or the silver tea set that I could see my reflection in. I would touch the big man, and then Dianne would touch his arrow, jump, and say owww! I thought it was awfully funny. Then I could see myself in the tea set, it was so shiny, but for some reason Grandmother wouldn't let me touch it.
I really liked Aunt Rachel. She carried me around, played peek-a-boo, and best of all she let me sit and play the piano with her. She was so funny! We talked and laughed, and laughed, and she
makes great funny faces. We had a really good day, but boy was I tired when we left. Thanks for letting me come over to play! I had a great time, and can't wait to see y'all again!

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