Britt's First Real Haircut

by - 12:17 PM

I trimmed up Britt's hair on Monday after his birthday. It was a nightmare, that I swore never to repeat. All I managed to do was cut the ends in the back and a line over his ears. It wasn't straight, it didn't look great, and it was stressful. Not that he was bad, but he just kept turning his head to see what I was doing, and I just knew he was going to lose an ear.

Anyway, the boy has been in need of a real hair cut for some time. The back is all one length (really long) and his bangs are in his eyes. When it rains or when he gets sweaty it just all sticks out everywhere. Because the boy has three cowlicks it's very difficult to part it or make it look neat. I mean just look at the two pictures up there of him from Saturday.
Granddaddy has been saying that he needed to get a haircut since he was about 9 months old. (Of course Gary's been saying that he needed a haircut since he got here.) So when we got here Granddaddy said that he would take him and pay for him to get a haircut while he was here so I took him up on that offer today. He did pretty good for the lady. He sat up on a little booster chair in her chair and she started by trimming up around his ears, he would lean further and further away, but didn't fuss to much. Next she trimmed up on top and the sides while he stood on the booster, and he got a little more squirmy. He didn't fuss much until she needed to make about three more cuts some of that she cut with him standing in the floor and some of it as I hel him on my hip. She couldn't get the last snip in the back (he almost looks like he has a rat tail now, I'm going to have to fix that later), and he wouldn't let her finish his bangs.After talking to Benji who also has alot of cowlicks, he suggested I have them cut it short enough to just comb it forward since I HATE it parted on his left side, the cowlick just makes it look silly. However, it doesn't part all the way down on the right side either. Maybe I'll be able to finish snipping those so that we can comb them straight down, right now it just looks so much better to sweep them over to the side, becaue they are still a little long and uneven.

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