Prayer Request

by - 12:06 PM

Sis. Ann Tucker past away a week ago, please continue to remember her family.

They have confirmed that Bro. Charles Carlton's infection, has gone into the bone and wires from his previous surgery. The only way to correct this is to open him back up remove all those wires and mesh, and scrape the bone. They don't have a time yet when they will plan to do this. Also, Bro. Charles's hole for his trach has never completely healed up, so they are looking into two different options for closing that the rest of the way up.

Grandmaw Bea has been seeing the doctor to be sure that all the issues with her blood clot have resolved. She's trying to get all the test and information taken care of before they plan to go back up to Kentucky sometime in April.

Parker Allen had his accident down at Auburn two years and a week ago today. The weather was terrible, and high winds pushed his car up against a curb where he blew out a tire, and then the car rolled down the embankment there. It took emergency crews 45 minutes to get him out of the car, and then at the hospital the prognoises was very serious. He had a collapsed lung, a blood clot in his brain, and many, many broken bones. The doctors never expected him to come out of a coma or come home. Since that time Mrs. Allen has retired from teaching out at East Lawrence and takes care of him. He has overcome alot, but still cannot, walk or communicate much with his family. There was an article about Parker in the Decatur Daily a few days ago, and he is currently going through pool therapy which has helped his mobility and helping him gain strength. His family still remains very hopeful that in time he will recover, but it's a long slow road. Please continue to remember them.

Additions to the prayer list are Meagan Weaver (Gary's first cousin) who is expecting, I've been meaning to put here on the list for months and keep forgeting. And us, since we are expecting a new one on September 1st, though our favorite Brother Randy Miller is insisting this one is a girl and will arrive at 4:37 am on Sept 2.

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