Prayer Request

by - 10:21 AM

Bro. Charles Carlton will be having surgery a week from today. First, he will be having a fairly minor procedure to close up the remaining hole from his trach. Next, he will need to be openned back up so that they can remove the old wires from his old heart surgery and scrape the bone. They have determined that the staff infection has gotten into the bone. This is a very needful surgery, but especially with him being so weak it is a very serious surgery. I please continue to pray for him, and for the family, especially Aunt Patricia who is responsible for so much of his daily care along with taking care of her house, husband, and kids. She really is a super woman these days.

I haven't updated in some time on Little Nate Ferrel. He has been sick quiet abit over the winter, which is always hard on his little body, but he has recently been through his spring round of test, and everything looks very good right now. They still have a few appointments coming up, and of course the big trip out to Houston the beginning of April to meet with the Mito Specialist out there. The goal right now is to get him to gain some weight. Amber is helping to organize a Mito conference here in Florida and if anyone is interested in helping or donating money please get in contact with her, or go here for more information.

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