Our Cat
As some of you may have heard, we have a new cat. He is a beautiful, loving, and playful fellow. Gary is now my hero, and after you hear about this cat, I think you'll agree.
As some of you know, I've been battling some loneliness. I'm so use to have Matthew home when I get home from work or class, and us dissecting every asspect of any movie, book, school occurance, and everything else, that to spend alot of the day more or less at the apartment alone, is not so much fun. Part of it is also that I'm use to devoting alot (and when I say alot I actually mean pretty much all of my time) to school, and I have since I started Kindergarten at age five. Part of it is getting use to a new place, and not being familiar with things. But it suffices to say I've been pretty lonely during the day.
So Thursday after I got my cleaning done, I went down to the shelter to play with him. They told me that he was scheduled to be put to sleep, and I asked if they could hold him. They said only two hours. I called Gary upset, and he agreed to use his lunchbreak to come over. He looked him over, and said, "I guess you can have him." I was so excited. He saved a little furry life. Sister Kelly told him that he was a good husband, and a strong man (not a weak one) for giving his wife something he really wanted. haha.
The cat, though still nameless, is very lovable and clever. He follows me around the house alot. When I'm doing laundry he watches what piles I pick up and then procedes to bat them closer to the washer to my feet. When I'm folding laundry he sits under the chair that I put it all in, in the center of the bedroom floor. When I'm cleaning the bathrooms he lays right outside the door. Alot of the time when I'm typing he wants to either lay in my lap, sit under the chair, or sit up in my lap with his feet on the edge of the desk. He's pretty funny, and very sweet.
Only problem, he does cry some outside the door at night, wanting to be in the room with us. So any suggestions on stopping that. Or any good suggestions on names?
4 random thoughts