The Eye of the Beholder as Seen by Britt

by - 8:27 PM

We have been studying about ancient India in history and the moon in science this week.  In ancient India they saw a hare on the moon, and we read the story of how the hare came to be on the moon.  What do the markings of the moon look like to you?  Invent your own story about the areas of light and dark, or to explain some other aspect of the moon, such as why it changes shape.  (from "Tales of the Shimmering Sky" by Susan Milord.)

I see a bison on the moon.  I believe that the bison was good, because he made the land flat.  He lead the bisons to a new place, because there were many poachers and hunters around.  But the new place was very rocky and mountainous, and it rained alot, so they didn't have much to eat.  He tried to plant food, but it didn't work out so good.  One they didn't have the tools, second they didn't have hands to hold tools, and the land wasn't very good for planting.  So, he went to the leader of the men with a plan to make the land better for men and bison.  He decided to have the whole herd run together to smash the rocks, until the land was flat and good to grow things.  Then the men used tools to plant seeds.  So ever since then the bison and the people have had plenty to eat.  God saw that he was good and helpful, so he put him on the moon to remind others to be nice and care for other people and animals.  The end.

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