Fall Colors

by - 9:04 AM

Fall is my favorite season of the year.  I missed it while in Florida.  Those nippy mornings and crispy days.  The September and October footballs games, where it's not too cold yet, but you have on your letterman jacket and a cup of hot chocolate.  It's the weather for sweaters, bluejeans, and good boots.  It's all those great deep colors - hunter green, maroon, navy blue.  Best of all it's the trees that go from their every day green to explosions of color.  All over town, trees that looked perfectly ordinary are changing their leaves.  Some almost overnight have exploded in color.  Others are gradually easing into fall.  Then still a few (like our trees) are waiting to make their grand autumn appearance after all the others begin dropping their brown leaves to the ground.  Here are a few pictures I've collected mostly from around town in the last week.

This is called a "Burning Bush".  It's green and gradually turns a
flame red during the fall.  We have one but it hasn't begun to turn yet.

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