35 weeks

by - 8:38 AM

So Tuesday at the OB's office they told me that I'm dilated to 2 cm and that whenever he decides to show up works for them. As a result I think I need to re-evaluate that to do list from a week or so ago.

1-4 and 9, I have knocked out. Yeah! That's practally half the list.

Then earlier this week we went grocery shopping (to take care of 6, and the fact that we were completely out of everything except some noodles and eggs). I think I have everything that I could need for a while. I figure anything else Gary can pick up coming home from work, or I might can recruit some sweet people to pick up if I really needed.

I spent a chunk of the day yesterday cleaning up around the house, and Mom has told me that she will come over tomorrow and we will do the deep cleaning stuff. I'm glad that she wants to help, but something tells me that she's not going to let me do ANYTHING. :) That will take care of 5.

From the orginal list that just leaves...

7) Get Gary to put together some of the baby stuff still in boxes. (Hopefully this will be taken care of by Christmas.)

8) Install car seat - this one can wait till after Christmas. (I still don't see him getting here before then.)

10) Do something super special for Gary for all his patience and hard work lately. (I'm still trying to come up with something for this.)

There are unfortunitely a few things that we have thought of that need to be added to the list.

1) Finish typing up and get printed my Scotland Journal for a certain professor back home, who gave me an A on the promise that I would have that done. Sorry Dr. B, it's only been a year and a half.

2) Catch up the Scrapbook through Christmas. This is part of Gary's Christmas present, and he thinks it's better to catch it up now, than after Britt gets here.

3) Still have to find something for my dad for Christmas, and finish my mother's gift.

4) Mail our Christmas cards.

5) Get addresses and mail this been finished pile of Thank you notes.

So eight simple chores. I can handle that.

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