Changing the World

by - 6:04 PM

If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

One thing I don't like about the world is jobs.  So I would make a robot to do them all for me.  Everyone would get their own robot, including Momma and Daddy, so no one would have to do jobs again.  They would be for every job, so there would even be a robot to farm for Daddy.  And it would cook anything Daddy and Momma wanted.  (Me - But how would Daddy make money to by food for the robot to cook for you?)  And people would pay the robot and we would get the robots money.  (Me - But who would give a machine money?)  Oh, I got it, Daddy would give the robot money, and it would go and buy things for him.  And the guy giving him things, would give him money too.  (Me - But where would Daddy get the money from to give to the robot in the first place.  Daddy gets  money because he works.)  I don't know, how Daddy would get the money to give to the robot so it would get more money.  I will think about that later.  But, my robot will fold towels and wash dishes for me.  (Me - Anything else you would have it do?  Maybe like clean your room.)  I don't know, it would do anything, so that would include that!  I would let everyone have one.

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