1 Year Doctor Visit
I had my 1 year doctor's appointment this week. I now weight 19 lbs 11 oz, and stand at 2 ft 3 and 1/4 inches tall. I will be going to see a specialist in a few weeks about my clogged tear duct. I did not like getting shots, and I have been informing everyone, ever since in my most complainy voice, while insisting on being held all day long. I also have forced Daddy to sing pretty much every moment he is in my presence. Maybe if I complain enough, next time they will think twice about giving me shots.
While we were at the doctor's office Britt taught me to play hide and seek. He hides, and Momma asks me "where did Britt go?" I go and find him, and squeal to let everyone know where he's at. Nothing gets past me. Watch me, and tell me if you don't think I'm much improved at walking since my last video.
0 random thoughts