Britt Learns to Shave

by - 12:32 PM

Well, it's been a long vacation.  We had a really great time with the family in Alabama for Thanksgiving.  It was the first time we had been there since Rebecca was 1 month old.  We were also able to travel up to Tennessee to see family.  It was sad that Gary wasn't able to come and be with us that.  I suppose it's extra special to us, since Gary and I first met in person the weekend after Thanksgiving.  We came home and had a really wonderful time getting ready for Christmas.  The kids had Elves come for the first time this year, and we really enjoyed that.  Right after Christmas we left for Florida to spend time with Gary's family and Little Union.  It was really wonderful to go back and visit since we haven't been down since July.  Perhaps that is the biggest downside to living in PA, we are so very far from our families.  If we are able to go to Alabama twice a year, and Florida twice a year, and have our parents each come up once a year, we will be able to see family about 6 times a year, every other month if we space it right.  We understand how precious our time together is, are grateful for it, and will try our best to make the most of it.
We made it back home Sunday night late.  Everyone is a bit under the weather.  Ruth is still sulking that she couldn't stay "wiff Mister fo-eva", Britt unhappy that I won't let him outside with a wind chill of -13, and Rebecca can't decide if she wants to be held, or down to play.  The kids might have colds.  Ruth slept 90% of yesterday, and none of them are quite up to par.  We spent the afternoon putting away everything and looking for homes for new toys.  At least I had almost no cleaning to do, since I got pretty much everything done before I left.  Last night we watched the National Championship game to cheer on my Auburn Tigers.  The fourth quarter was painful!  But I am thankful for the amazing and unexpected season.
I am hoping to get caught up on our blogging, as well as get back into routine around here.  The holidays are fun, but they are kinda chaotic.  We are going to get back into schooling, after our long break.  We did very little school last month.  Perhaps I might even catch the blogspot up.  Today, since it's Tuesday, I'll leave you with a little video of Britt.  He was so excited to get a shaving kit for Christmas, and I promised him after his bath that Daddy could show him how to use it.

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