
by - 7:12 PM

Ms. Rebecca Joy
She arrived February 22, 2013 at 1:37 pm without waiting for the doctor to arrive, even though I asked her nicely.  They broke my water this morning, to augment the 3 weeks of on again, off again contractions, but we didn't have to have anything else.  Labor went really well, up to the last hour where I went from almost a 5 to delivering while the nurses scrambled for gloves.  She weighed in at 8 lbs and 10 oz, and was 20 inches long.  In between Britt (20.5) and Ruth (19.5) in length, and outweighing them both.  She has dark hair, and what I think are dark blue eyes.  She nursed like a champ right off the bat.  She already "complains" more than the others, and always needs her fist in her mouth.  We've already discovered that she prefers to be held sideways  and doesn't particularly like to be up on your shoulder.  We are planning to leave the hospital just as soon as Gary and the kids get back from Church on Sunday.

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