Our Mini Vacation

by - 9:23 AM

 During my little blogging hiatius, we had a mini vacation.  We had 10 days of no children.   We slept in.  We ate whatever, whenever.  We caught up on projects.  We finished building the improved chicken run (of which I promise to post pictures as soon as it quits raining long enough to take them).  I spent several rainy afternoons catching up on reading while Gary was working at Southwestern.  I was nowhere near as productive as I had hoped, but I was well rested.

The best day was the day we took Amanda, Joan, and Lilli to the airport. (They flew up to Alaska to visit Aunt Lisa and Uncle Freddy.) After we dropped them off, over in Orlando, we took some tokens that we had for one of the putt-putt golf courses. We played both courses and had a ton of fun. We haven't gotten alot of chances to go out together since having kids, and of course over the last few years this chances to get out alone for something other than an afternoon of grocery shopping have been really few and far between. It was really nice to goof off and spend some time together.

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