29 Weeks

by - 9:10 AM

Ruth is approximately 15 cm long and 2 1/2 lbs, about the size of a butternut squash. Don't you love how they keep comparing tiny tiny babies to various fruits and vegetables, it makes me look at the produce section in the grocery store a little differently. She has enough cute baby fat to have dimples on her elbows and knees now. She's also starting to get a little crowded, she'll start bowing her head down between her knees the larger she gets, and her kicks are getting stronger. I feel her more and more often these days, and she currently seems to enjoy propping her feet up on the inside and to the left of my ribcage. I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to have bruised ribs by the time she's ready to move out of there.

We are still enjoying the pleasures of morning sickness, though last Wednesday at my doctor's appointment we got some phenegran. I like phenegran. They gave me that stuff with Britt and I slept 22 hrs a day, it was GREAT! We have hesitated taking it this time around for that very reason. However, with the zofran doing nothing for me, we got some this time. As long as I take the zofran in the day, and half of a phenegran in the evening, I'm not as sick. Additional bonus is that I'm sleeping way better at night too.

We are so very excited to see our Ruth, though at times it still doesn't seem quiet real. Something tells me that the summer will be flying by, what with us moving, Gary taking classes, and more doctor's appointments. Lots to do before she arrives in another 2 1/2 months.

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