Prayer Request

by - 5:06 PM

A few updates and new one's to add to the list.

One of Gary's Uncles L.A. Varnum passed away on Monday, the funeral was today. Please keep the family in your prayers.

We also found out late yesterday that Bro. Obey's wife Sis. Mary from Tanzania passed away on Monday. She never really got over losing Bro. Obey. She had maleria and was in the hospital and a few days before she passed away she seemed to be doing better, but then she had a stroke and died. They leave behind 6 children: Jenny is 18 years old, Barnabas is 16, Gift and Given are 12 or 13. The youngest set of twins are 9 or 10 and their names are Nikolas and Grace. They had just about finished up a house near to the Church. Right now they aren't sure what's to happen with the children. Some may go to Obey's brother - Rejoice, some may go to his parents, and they would rent out the house to help provide some money for the children; or they may see if they can get a few members from the church to live with them, as they live just a few minutes from the church. Please keep this family in your prayers. Brother Same Bryant will be traveling over there again, early in the year. If you wish to help them he would be the one to talk with.

There is also some good news to report.

James Mizel had a visit with the doctor, who examined him and thought he was much improved in his leg, then his mother Sis. Amanda pointed out that it was the other leg that they were having trouble with the CP, the doctor was amazed at the improvement, and little James now only has to wear the brace a few hours a day instead of 24/7.

Also, Nathan Ferrel has had several bouts of sickness (it is that time of year) and has lost all of the weight that he had put on over the summer. He's lab results have come back stronger than before and he is growing. The O2 has helped him alot, but now they just need to fatten him up a bit. Keep praying for this family, as the Lord has heard and answered many prayers on Nate's behalf so far.

Sis. Gayle hasn't been doing very well on this new experimental drug and chemo, so they took last week off. On a nice evening we got to visit awhile outside with them and she is feeling better now, they have dropped her numbers quite a bit, but still have a ways to go.

Bro. Charles has been doing better and better, he will be coming home to Aunt Patricia's house in the next week or two, to finish recovery. There have been many times where they thought he was down to his final hours and the Lord has blessed him to get stronger and stronger. He still has a long, long way to go before he is back to his self, but the ability after 6 months to come home is a big step in that direction.

As for our job situation, there is currently only one position that we are waiting to hear back from in the Bartow area. There really isn't alot to apply for right now, so we are trying to enjoy the holidays and not dwell on the situation. We ask you to be in prayer, as we think we are going to stick it out one more month before we look into other options.

Also, Merry Christmas to all. Never forget that this time isn't about what all we get, but what all we have been given in a Savior who wanted us enough to come and die for us, who saves us despite what we have done and continue to do, and who one day will return to carry us home.

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