11 Months with Britt

by - 4:59 PM


You have grown so much in the last month. You are cruising more and more, but really you are walking with your hand trailing along the furniture. You still immediately stop if you realize that you are walking or standing without touching something, but your balance is better and better these days. You like to play giddup horsey, except we don't have to bounce you, you bounce yourself. At first we thought you had gone crazy, but now we just sing it to you when you get started and want to play. Oh and climbing, you climb on everything: on boxes, in and out of baskets, over anyone laying in the floor going back and forth laughing the entire time, now you have twice moved things around in the floor in order to be able to climb onto the couch. Sneaky little boy.

You pretty much insist on table food now days, we are hoping to convince you that you want the last of the baby food that we have, but after Christmas we have decided that you win and will be table food all the way. You love to eat what we are eating when we are eating. I don't suppose I'll be able to hold off all the family members who want to feed you coke and candy and then give you back very much longer. But for now we are trying to convince you that meat and veggies and fruit really are good.

You are still the most joyful laughing kind of person. You are starting to be a little more heisatant about people that you don't know. Not scared, just not overly smiley like normal. You don't really like to be left alone, if everyone leaves the room, you follow them into the next room. You just like the company of someone else there with you while you play. Everything is a toy, and boy are you curious. You need to know what everything is and what it does and what you can make it do. Your favorite thing to do these days is pull all of something out of a box, dump truck or other stashing place, and then fill it all back up again.

Every day is an adventure together and I love you.


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