Christmas with the Mallards

by - 6:05 PM

On Saturday we headed up to Tennessee to visit with Grandma and Billy and all the Mallard side of the family. We ate way too much, laughed even more, and visited for the longest time. I always love hanging out with that side of the family. It's the only place where there are as many red-heads as every other color. haha. Everyone went on and on about how happy and playful Britt was. They kept asking us, if we knew what a blessing he was to be so good and such little trouble. We told them that we sure did, and no that they could not load him up and carry him home with them. Britt had a ball playing with everyone, and especially trying to chase Emily around. She didn't want to play with him, but kept us laughing talking to us in her super country, West Tennessee accent. It was a great time!

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