He's a boy alright...

by - 5:00 PM

or "This Climbing is Going to be the Death of Me"

So Britt has been doing much better today, his fever is about gone, and this medicine makes him crazy hyper, so since Daddy was finished sanding his blocks I thought he could play out in the yard for a little bit in front of the steps while Daddy stains his blocks. I come out to say something and what do I find, but baby has playing in my potting soil. The kid has climbed into the pot. So I took a picture, took him out, and grab the video camera to see if he would do it again. Sure enough he did, and then promptly tried to crawl face first out of it, so we moved the pot on the steps and gave him a ball to play with instead. Poor baby though, snuck up behind Daddy and climbed those steps, and managed to fall and bump the back of his noggin. So in for a bath, a cup of milk, and a late nap. Poor fellow, he's ok, but I had to cuddle him for a few minutes to convince him.

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