Trip to the Beach

by - 12:02 PM

I am warming up more to the beach these days. I never really use to like going. I really hate sand, and how it gets everywhere, and the salt, yuck, I mean Smith Lake or the river is just much nicer, oh and waves, who likes to be splashed in the face over and over, and look this is the longest run on sentence ever, I need to end it because I was just informed via Facebook that today is National Punctionation Day, and I'm abusing the English language. Seriously though, who came up with National Punctionation Day? I bet it was Mrs. LeMay, my 11th grade English teacher. She was a bit strict and crazy about grammer. hmmm... where was I?

Oh yes, the beach. So we went to the beach last Saturday and it wasn't so bad. This trip was both spur of the moment and two weeks in the making. Let me explain. A couple of weeks ago, Dad happened to be down with Joan at the Carosel Kids shop (it's a second hand baby/kid shop with all sorts of neat things). They found several floats for little kids and babies, and the lady told Dad with it being the end of the summer he could have them for $1 a piece. So he picked up two, bought them, let all the air out of them, and headed home. Then Joan decided that Brystal should see them blown up, so she blew on back up and brought it in the house. Brystal immediately saw it, jumped in and said, "Mister, can we go to the beach?" So they were going to go Saturday a week ago, but in rained.

Fast forward to last Friday evening. Gary was talking to Mom on the phone and she mentioned they were going to take Brystal to the beach on Saturday, and did we want to go. So we said sure! Then she called back and said that they were going to go ahead and head over there instead of waiting till in the morning. So in 30 mins I packed and Gary washed up all of Britt's food stuff, then we loaded up the car and off we went.

Gary and I got up Saturday morning before Britt woke up, and we went walking along the beach and found a bunch of neat shells, and he found me a giant whole sand dollar that was still alive, and I found the tiny-est sand dollar ever. I have they drying out on the porch right now.

Britt really seemed to enjoy it. He laughed and acted silly and splashed in the water in his little baby intertube-float-thingy. Right before we got out of the water for the last time, he laid way back, and just let Mister push him around. He had a ball crawling and chasing after Brystal, and she would jump up and down and he would just squel and laugh. He thought she was supper funny. It was nice and relaxing.

(sorry for the complete lack of cute pictures of Britt at the beach, if I ever get them from Mom I'll add them)

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