Checking In

by - 10:03 PM

I've been having alot of fun in Alabama with all the family, but we are getting ready to head back home tomorrow evening, Momma says. So here is a little video with some of the highlights from the last week.

Everyone I meet is so funny. Grumps lays in the floor with me, and reads to me, and makes funny noises with me. Ahna holds me and feeds me. Grandmother taught me to play "Patty Cake." Granddaddy tells me that I'm his little buddy and lets me climb all over the place and play with his pens. I got to see A. Maghen and A. Melanie, and U. Matthew, U. Nicholas, and U. Benji. We've had lots of fun.

I can't wait to see everyone at Christmas and to play with all of Grandmother's sparkly things.

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