9 Months with Britt

by - 1:43 PM


You are 9 months old today, and my how you have grown. You have been having a ball up here in Alabama the last week, and impressing everyone. They are sure that they can tell that you have gained weight and filled out in the face over the last month or so, since they've seen you. I'm not so sure that I can tell anything except that I think you have been hiding bricks in your car seat. I mean how heavy can a little boy be?

You have started playing patty-cake with Grandmother since we got up here. I guess I should be surprised, because she sings it and claps your little hands every time she has you. You have started clapping your hands together, and so I sing it too you and you laugh. I guess you like it. You also study Granddaddy very carefully when he whistles. He insists to you that you have no need to squeal, that there are other ways to show you like something, but other than that he is just tickled to death with you. You are a charmer that's for sure.

Lately you've been a little less inclined to play by yourself, but want to sit and play in someone's lap. I suppose you'll be rotten by the time we get home next week. I'll just give you to your Daddy to put up with, HA!

I love you so much little man, and hope that you continue to grow strong not only physically, but to grow in knowledge and in grace.


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